@codecares on
- Member Since: April 2nd, 2019
Contribution History
codecares’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2081081] to Plugins SVN:
Modified version -
Committed [2077775] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [2077772] to Plugins SVN:
updated version in plugin -
Committed [2077771] to Plugins SVN:
updated -
Committed [2077770] to Plugins SVN:
Modified readme.txt -
Committed [2076215] to Plugins SVN:
add tags -
Committed [2076208] to Plugins SVN:
add banner-772x250.png -
Committed [2076206] to Plugins SVN:
Add icons -
Committed [2076200] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot for slick slider -
Committed [2076197] to Plugins SVN:
remove extra content -
Committed [2076188] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2070168] to Plugins SVN:
add assets files -
Committed [2070166] to Plugins SVN:
add widget files -
Committed [2070144] to Plugins SVN:
add files -
Committed [2070110] to Plugins SVN:
inital commit
Hub Tag Add-ons Elementor
Active Installs: 10+