@cobaltapps on
- Member Since: August 23rd, 2012
- Website:
- Employer: Cobalt Apps, LLC
Contribution History
CobaltApps’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [704341] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 1.0.1, updating the bbPress specific styles to accommodate ... -
Committed [599779] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file for the 1.0.1 tagged version. -
Committed [599773] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug and then updated to version 1.0.1 -
Committed [599627] to Plugins SVN:
Updated banner image. -
Committed [599282] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme file. -
Committed [599279] to Plugins SVN:
Updated banner image. -
Committed [599145] to Plugins SVN:
Updated banner image. -
Committed [599144] to Plugins SVN:
Added a banner image. -
Committed [599056] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file. -
Committed [599055] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme file. -
Committed [599054] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file. -
Committed [599049] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release. -
Committed [592776] to Plugins SVN:
Reverting readme.txt back from testing state. -
Committed [592775] to Plugins SVN:
Testing readme.txt file tweak -
Committed [592631] to Plugins SVN:
Edited banner image -
Committed [592629] to Plugins SVN:
Replaced incorrect readme.txt file with correct one. -
Committed [592627] to Plugins SVN:
Edited readme.txt file -
Committed [592625] to Plugins SVN:
First FULL commit to the WP repo. -
Committed [592624] to Plugins SVN:
First commit to the WP repo.
Catalyst Connect
Active Installs: 70+
Video Overlayer
Active Installs: 20+