@cheald on
- Member Since: April 13th, 2009
Contribution History
cheald’s badges:- Core Contributor
Mentioned in [19918] on Core SVN:
Split the main WP_Query posts query into two queries to avoid temp tables. -
Created ticket #18536 on Core Trac:
Improve performance of WP_Query core -
Committed [210689] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme with compatibility. -
Committed [210688] to Plugins SVN:
Version bump. -
Committed [210687] to Plugins SVN:
Fix issues with excerpt generation, fix an error with a function that ... -
Committed [147025] to Plugins SVN:
- Add benchmarking code for debugging and development (only active with ... -
Committed [140066] to Plugins SVN:
Added screenshots, updated readme -
Committed [140060] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit.