Posted a reply to In post grid impossible to select taxonomy for custom post, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Excellent ! It works perfectly ! I suggest you add this info in your presentation… -
Created a topic, In post grid impossible to select taxonomy for custom post, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, When I use a UG Block POST GRID, I select in "… -
Committed [2099357] to Plugins SVN:
Dynamic URL and description added to snippets -
Committed [2095586] to Plugins SVN:
Snippet validation fixed (extra comma deleted in JSON) -
Committed [2095303] to Plugins SVN:
Small bugfix with toFixed(); -
Committed [2095292] to Plugins SVN:
Logo support added to snippets file -
Committed [2095290] to Plugins SVN:
Logo url added -
Committed [2095260] to Plugins SVN:
Circles percentage fixed -
Committed [2095248] to Plugins SVN:
removed files in HEAD directory -
Committed [2095244] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.4.5 -
Committed [2095243] to Plugins SVN:
Remove old version -
Committed [2095231] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.4.5 -
Posted a reply to Loading endless when send donation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Sorry ! I installed a temporary solution in the meantime and forgot to give… -
Created a topic, Loading endless when send donation, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
cURL Version: 7.38.0, OpenSSL/1.0.1t - We recommend a … -
Committed [1784752] to Plugins SVN:
iframeResizer ScrollToTop, reviews widget fix limit -
Committed [1784638] to Plugins SVN:
Added IframeResizer multistep resizing -
Committed [1761625] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.1 Adedd WPML support Added check server response timeout ... -
Committed [1746719] to Plugins SVN:
WPML Support added -
Committed [1723870] to Plugins SVN:
FIX intval -
Committed [1723847] to Plugins SVN:
Version update -
Committed [1723845] to Plugins SVN:
Intval for reviews percentage -
Posted a reply to Pdf with Hebrew text, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Solved. Problem was with PDF viewer in Chrome. It works fine with Acrobat Reader. -
Created a topic, Pdf with Hebrew text, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello. We need to use form that will be filled with He… -
Committed [1702300] to Plugins SVN:
Changed: Dynamic question names - bars and circles. Css changes. ... -
Committed [1701364] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed 2 warnings with __construct(), and & in URL -
Committed [1678297] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted from services : -
Committed [1678274] to Plugins SVN:
Added: 1. shortcodes SERVICES 2. Description in adminpanel 3. Go to ... -
Committed [1675788] to Plugins SVN:
Improvement for php 5 support -
Committed [1668421] to Plugins SVN:
Added Key to shortcodes and widgets. IframeResizer function included. -
Committed [1665961] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.4 second version -
Committed [1665959] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.4 version Added dark style and bootstrap cdn -
Committed [1665935] to Plugins SVN:
Changed version in main PHP file 1.0.3 -
Committed [1665934] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.0.3 = * Fixed small bugs. == Upgrade Notice == -
Committed [1665932] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version to 1.0.3 -
Committed [1665930] to Plugins SVN:
Added error_reporting (0); to disable warning message -
Committed [1650866] to Plugins SVN:
svn propset svn:mime-type image/jpeg *.jpg -
Committed [1650864] to Plugins SVN:
Added icon .jpg -
Committed [1650855] to Plugins SVN:
Added pagination, limit per page, limit of query and fixed css bugs -
Committed [1648747] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot mime type -
Committed [1648741] to Plugins SVN:
Readme licence and icon size changed -
Committed [1648737] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots added -
Committed [1648734] to Plugins SVN:
Changed path to logo Chartsbedr for link -
Committed [1648733] to Plugins SVN:
Changed mime type of icon-128×128.png -
Committed [1648731] to Plugins SVN:
Add icon.png file -
Committed [1648727] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon file to Chartsbeds -
Committed [1648726] to Plugins SVN:
Changed directory path of plugin -
Committed [1648719] to Plugins SVN:
Modified readme file 1 step -
Committed [1648717] to Plugins SVN:
Adding logo to plugin -
Committed [1648713] to Plugins SVN:
Adding php files -
Committed [1648712] to Plugins SVN:
Beta plugin repository adding