@charrabennett on
- Member Since: January 10th, 2012
- Website:
Created a topic, Great Support Help, on the site Forums:
Thank you Premio support for helping us with our issue… -
Posted a reply to Broken images in Blog Post – images NOT replaced with AVIF are broken, on the site Forums:
Hi James, That plugin is actually only serving property images for the MLS feed service… -
Posted a reply to Lots of Broken Images for Thumbnails, on the site Forums:
Thanks for letting me know. I did share the site health information already via the… -
Posted a reply to Broken images in Blog Post – images NOT replaced with AVIF are broken, on the site Forums:
As far as I can tell that option was unchecked @westonruter but I do not… -
Posted a reply to Lots of Broken Images for Thumbnails, on the site Forums:
Third Party plugin may be the issue - if you want to email me at… -
Posted a reply to Broken images in Blog Post – images NOT replaced with AVIF are broken, on the site Forums:
I did regenerate the thumbnails yesterday with the Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin after my client… -
Created a topic, Lots of Broken Images for Thumbnails, on the site Forums:
This plugin worked like it says but it did not change … -
Created a topic, Broken images in Blog Post – images NOT replaced with AVIF are broken, on the site Forums:
This plugin did what it said but it only replaced SOME… -
Posted a reply to ERROR: Slideshow will not show on site, on the site Forums:
Yes it is working properly now. Thank you -
Posted a reply to ERROR: Slideshow will not show on site, on the site Forums:
He said: I manually updated the Plugin via SFTP then it start working. I think… -
Posted a reply to Delete Row messes up entire table structure, on the site Forums:
Thank you - I did see there was an update over the weekend but the… -
Posted a reply to Delete Row messes up entire table structure, on the site Forums:
FATAL FLAW on wpDataTables Wordpress Plugin - Delete Row causes all Rows Below to Change… -
Posted a reply to Delete Row messes up entire table structure, on the site Forums:
but the settings for that “location” stay the same,so the new content that goes to… -
Posted a reply to ERROR: Slideshow will not show on site, on the site Forums:
I had my Senior Developer fix it - I will let you know what the… -
Created a topic, Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress., on the site Forums:
When I go to install this plugin it gives a warning th… -
Posted a reply to Delete Row messes up entire table structure, on the site Forums:
This issue is still happening. Can someone pleae reply? -
Created a topic, Delete Row messes up entire table structure, on the site Forums:
When I am trying to delete a row, it changes the struc… -
Created a topic, ERROR: Slideshow will not show on site, on the site Forums:
On the LIVE home page the slideshow is giving this err… -
Posted a reply to The Plugin “wpDataTables – has a security vulnerability, on the site Forums:
I am seeing the same thing. Why has this not been updated on wordpress but… -
Created a topic, HIGHLY RECOMMEND! The BEST Privacy Policy/Cookie Policy Plugin, on the site Forums:
I've used Termageddon for a while now and I have only … -
Posted a reply to Form will not Submit: Email address that the sender entered is invalid, on the site Forums:
Wordpress Current version: 6.0.1 Last checked on July 18, 2022 at 3:59 pm EDT. Contact… -
Created a topic, Form will not Submit: Email address that the sender entered is invalid, on the site Forums:
When someone tries to submit a form on this page: http… -
Created a topic, Uninstall Easy Testimonials and delete all data from database, on the site Forums:
I need to delete easy testimonials entirely but there … -
Created a topic, Widget Blocks displaying cookie notice, on the site Forums:
With the newest wordpress update using Gutenberg Block… -
Posted a reply to Update/Change Metadata, on the site Forums:
No this site is hosted on wpengine. The so provider changed the metadata and we… -
Created a topic, Update/Change Metadata, on the site Forums:
I need to update the metadata for the WP SAML AUTH plu… -
Posted a reply to Yoast Plugin Breaks Avada Categories, on the site Forums:
We added them to the footer and they still do the same thing - a… -
Posted a reply to Yoast Plugin Breaks Avada Categories, on the site Forums:
Hey @devnihil. The Wordpress version is 5.3.2. The version of Avada is 6.1.2 - the… -
Created a topic, Yoast Plugin Breaks Avada Categories, on the site Forums:
When I have the Yoast Plugin enabled, the category pag… -
Posted a reply to Update Causes Editor Issue, on the site Forums:
Hey Michael! Thank you! I'll go ahead and create a ticket there. Do you mean… -
Created a topic, Update Causes Editor Issue, on the site Forums:
I'm having an issue with being able to switch between … -
Created a topic, Updating Plugin wipes out wp-saml-auth.php configuration, on the site Forums:
This plugin is quite bizarre in the way it is structur… -
Created a topic, Yoast Plugin conflicting with Categories, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have a site… -
Created a topic, Plugin Doesn’t Work on Mobile, on the site Forums:
We're having an issue with this working on mobile devi… -
Created a topic, Plugin Keeps Removing Itself, on the site Forums:
Hey guys, So this plugin keeps randomly removing itse… -
Posted a reply to Missing Files & Call to Undefined Function, on the site Forums:
Bumping this to keep it active and see if anyone can help me with this… -
Created a topic, Missing Files & Call to Undefined Function, on the site Forums:
Hey guys, So I've been having issues with this site a… -
Created a topic, Single Page Title covering Featured Image, on the site Forums:
The Featured image is being shown behind the Event tit… -
Created a topic, Login Page redirecting to Login Page, on the site Forums:
I have a site that I did not build that is using your … -
Created a topic, Submit Testimonials Form Not Working, on the site Forums:
Hey guys, So I'm having an issue with my sites that u… -
Created a topic, Publicize to LinkedIn – Where do my posts go?, on the site Forums:
I have Jetpack activated and set up Publicize to go to… -
Posted a reply to All in One SEO Pack bug, on the site Forums:
wpengine is where I host -
Posted a reply to All in One SEO Pack bug, on the site Forums:
I can't attach a photo - here is the basic idea of what I see… -
Created a topic, All in One SEO Pack bug, on the site Forums:
There is something wrong with All in One SEO Pack. Eac…
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
All in One SEO – Powerful SEO Plugin to Boost SEO Rankings & Increase Traffic
All-in-One WP Migration and Backup
Converter for Media - Optimize images | Convert WebP & AVIF
Duplicator - Backups & Migration Plugin - Cloud Backups, Scheduled Backups, & More
Newsletter - Send awesome emails from WordPress
NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
PHP Compatibility Checker
Post Types Order
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin
Social Media Widget
Timely All-in-One Events Calendar
WordPress Importer
XML Sitemap Generator for Google