
  • Member Since: October 26th, 2017
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  • Created a topic, I tried them all, this is the best, on the site Forums:
    I have tried many cache plugins, and for a time I ran …

  • Created a topic, At last a solid responsive Embed Video Plugin, on the site Forums:
    I tried every one of the top ten plugins to embed yout…

  • Created a topic, Safe, Fast, Easy , Flexible & Powerful., on the site Forums:
    RankMath SEO and other SEO plugin have been pushing Ta…

  • Created a topic, I finally found the Image Plugin that works!, on the site Forums:
    I have tried about eight images plugins and cache prog…

  • Created a topic, After Trying the Rest, found the Best., on the site Forums:
    I have used about 5 form plugins before this, somewher…

  • Created a topic, Tom Does it again!, on the site Forums:
    Wow, I knew Gutenburg would eventually have an Element…

  • Created a topic, Works Great, on the site Forums:
    This Plugin still works great. Good Code survives upd…

  • Created a topic, Best PWA Plugin and Best Support, on the site Forums:
    I started with the free version of the PWA for WP plug…

  • Created a topic, Hide and Show WP Forms, on the site Forums:
    Perfect! We have a form for the new guests that allows…

  • Created a topic, This is the Speed Plugin I was Missing., on the site Forums:
    I use SG Optimizer, and Perfmatters, but what I needed…

  • Created a topic, Powerful, Stables, Easy, Safe, on the site Forums:
    Powerful, Stable. Easy to set up, easy to build a new…

  • Created a topic, Fills a missing Void in Event Planning, on the site Forums:
    This allows me to finally automate the countdown to we…

  • Created a topic, Shortcode Flexbility and Options, on the site Forums:
    Is there was a way to make changes to the layout in th…

  • Created a topic, Great asset to, on the site Forums:
    This plugin, adds two Gutenberg blocks, and a widget, …

  • Created a topic, Faster, Easier, Better Results, on the site Forums:
    Easy to install, easy to import, better scoring system…

  • Created a topic, Centering Title, on the site Forums:
    Once I edit a "Title" the text which was centered appe…

  • Created a topic, This is what a Image Block should be, on the site Forums:
    This is the image block that should have been included…

  • Created a topic, Clean, Fast, Perfect, on the site Forums:
    Simple,better,faster. Gives me perfect 404 control, h…

  • Created a topic, Wow, on the site Forums:
    I needed to testimonial in Gutenburg, and this one is …

  • Created a topic, Powerful and Fast, on the site Forums:
    I used this to replace the Google Translate plugin I h…

  • Created a topic, Classic Editor Disables Gallery in Gutenburg, on the site Forums:
    When I create an image gallery using the Gutenberg edi…

  • Created a topic, Wow, the easiest and fastest Migration tool, on the site Forums:
    I moved to Siteground Hosting for many reasons, if I h…

  • Posted a reply to Export TablePress, on the site Forums:
    Hi Tobias It was 'WP RSS Aggregator'. When I contact them, what process should I…

  • Created a topic, Export TablePress, on the site Forums:
    When I try export any table I get this error The link…

  • Created a topic, Change to SSL, on the site Forums:
    I installed sitemap when my page was unsecured, now th…

  • Created a topic, So Easy, on the site Forums:
    I have been using social share plugin to share Wordpre…

  • Created a topic, Great Plugin, Great Support, on the site Forums:
    I've used this for a few months now. A great and simp…