Caspio Bridge
@caspiobridge on
- Member Since: September 9th, 2015
- Location: United States of America
- Website:
- Employer: Caspio Inc.
Committed [2781567] to Plugins SVN:
Removed screenshots -
Committed [2781566] to Plugins SVN:
Removed screenshots -
Committed [2781565] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed hyperlinks -
Committed [2781562] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed hyperlinks -
Committed [2781561] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed hyperlinks -
Committed [2781555] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed hyperlinks -
Committed [2781554] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed hyperlinks -
Committed [2781553] to Plugins SVN:
Updated stable tag -
Committed [2781545] to Plugins SVN:
Updated stable tag -
Committed [2781544] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to latest version and deprecation information -
Committed [2781539] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to latest version and deprecation information -
Committed [2440081] to Plugins SVN:
Update Tested UpTo -
Committed [2440079] to Plugins SVN:
Update Tested UpTo -
Committed [2210422] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Compatibility -
Committed [2210418] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Compatibility -
Committed [2139143] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [2139138] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [1787348] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [1787292] to Plugins SVN:
Added async embed deployment support -
Committed [1787289] to Plugins SVN:
Added async embed deployment support -
Committed [1787272] to Plugins SVN:
Asynch deployment -
Committed [1560096] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [1560087] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatible version -
Committed [1258404] to Plugins SVN:
Update Display name -
Committed [1258402] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin Icons -
Committed [1258401] to Plugins SVN:
Added instruction to deactivate old plugin. -
Committed [1258400] to Plugins SVN:
Added instruction to deactivate old plugin. -
Committed [1258366] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [1258364] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit