Committed [882746] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.4 -
Committed [876427] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.4 -
Committed [876425] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.3 -
Committed [876423] to Plugins SVN:
Fix by ulsa added clojure support. Fix by ulsa line numbers not showing ... -
Committed [708724] to Plugins SVN:
fix plugin version -
Committed [708403] to Plugins SVN:
fixinf assets dir location -
Committed [708392] to Plugins SVN:
fixin assets dir location -
Committed [708389] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.2 -
Committed [708385] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.1 -
Committed [708382] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1 -
Committed [708365] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [708364] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
Active Installs: 10+