

WordPress Performance and Security Expert

  • Member Since: March 5th, 2016
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  • Posted a reply to Frontend widget visibility, on the site Forums:
    Awesome, thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Frontend widget visibility, on the site Forums:
    We are setting up a series of demo sites for our clients. Basically, they can…

  • Created a topic, Frontend widget visibility, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Is it possible to show the frontend widget t…

  • Created a topic, Only works properly with 62.5% root font size, on the site Forums:
    I tried to change the root font size to 100% but calcu…

  • Created a topic, Not working when a CPT is created using frontend forms, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I have a CPT created with ACF. It has a number …

  • Posted a reply to Testimonial widget – accessibility problem, on the site Forums:
    Hi @herryjegstudio Thanks, I'll give it a try. Consider switching to it's built with…

  • Posted a reply to Testimonial widget – accessibility problem, on the site Forums:
    Hi @herryjegstudio I think you misunderstood me. It's not about adding a new feature, it's…

  • Created a topic, Testimonial widget – accessibility problem, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I've noticed a problem with testimonial widg…

  • Posted a reply to Restrict invoice creation to the first order only?, on the site Forums:
    Hey @yordansoares. Many thanks for your reply. I've examined order metadata (in wp_postmeta table, this…

  • Created a topic, Restrict invoice creation to the first order only?, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I'm looking for a way to create "purchase ce…

  • Created a topic, Frontend CSS, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that the plugins loads a CSS file (/subscrib…

  • Created ticket #60281 on Core Trac:
    Cannot unset comment_notes_before

  • Created ticket #60266 on Core Trac:
    get_the_modified_date function doesn't return the date for newly ...

  • Created a topic, Very useful plugin, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for creating this plugin, it's very helpful for…

  • Created a topic, Awesome plugin!, on the site Forums:
    I absolutely love this plugin! Does what it says easil…

  • Created a topic, Any plans to make this compatible with FSE themes?, on the site Forums:
    Hey, Do you have any plans to make this plugin comp…

  • Created a topic, Default page template name in FSE theme, on the site Forums:
    Looks like there's no way to give a distinct name to a…

  • Posted a reply to ponyfill.css, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the informative tips!

  • Posted a reply to ponyfill.css, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the explanation @pbking What are the downsides of using Blockbase as a parent…

  • Created a topic, Awesome!, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is absolutely AWESOME! Simple, fast and ef…

  • Created a topic, ponyfill.css, on the site Forums:
    What exactly is the purpose of ponyfill.css? Is this f…

  • Posted a reply to Render highlighting in editor, on the site Forums:
    Great, that would be a neat feature.

  • Posted a reply to Wrap long lines, on the site Forums:
    Adding CSS works fine, I tested it and all is good. The reason I'm saying…

  • Posted a reply to Wrap long lines, on the site Forums:
    The downside of horizontal scrolling is accessibility. I've tested two plugins that have line wrapping…

  • Created a topic, Render highlighting in editor, on the site Forums:
    Are there any plans to make the highlighting work in e…

  • Created a topic, Don’t load CSS when not necessary, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that codemirror-blocks--css is loaded regard…

  • Created a topic, Plugin options in wp_options, on the site Forums:
    First off, thanks for the great plugin. I really like …

  • Created a topic, Wrap long lines, on the site Forums:
    First off, thanks for your work on this plugin. It's g…

  • Created a topic, Limit login attempts option is off by 1, on the site Forums:
    This isn't a big issue, but if you set max login attem…

  • Created a topic, An error has occurred while processing a recent subscription related event, on the site Forums:
    I noticed the following error: 03-05-2023 @ 23:19:2…

  • Posted a reply to Looks like your csv has same name header multiple times, on the site Forums:
    Yeah, the problem is definitely in the CSV file, but how would I even start…

  • Created a topic, Looks like your csv has same name header multiple times, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I get this error when trying to import conta…

  • Created a topic, Awesome, on the site Forums:
    Absolutely great so far. Very helpful plugin.

  • Created a topic, Relationship field – stored values, on the site Forums:
    I've added a relationship field and checked how values…

  • Posted a reply to Possible updates? Elementor integration?, on the site Forums:
    Hey @nfmohit, Any news about the new version? :)

  • Posted a reply to Mobile user agents for “Cache Mobile” feature, on the site Forums:
    @serpentdriver In this particular case, I use Blocksy theme. What's the simple way you mentioned?…

  • Created a topic, Mobile user agents for “Cache Mobile” feature, on the site Forums:
    I'm using Mobile Detect (…

  • Created a topic, Entries in .htaccess disappear, on the site Forums:
    I'm often seeing that entries in .htaccess within thes…

  • Posted a reply to Fatal PHP Error on line 126 in file sps_sync.class.php, on the site Forums:
    Actually, I entered the host name of the target website as instead of…

  • Posted a reply to Fatal PHP Error on line 126 in file sps_sync.class.php, on the site Forums:
    I'm experiencing the same issue. Tested on blank WP installation - I'm getting this error…

  • Posted a reply to Mailchimp for Woocommerce has not added the webhook to Mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    @khungate Ok, I've whitelisted "mailchimp-for-woocommerce" REST namespace in WP Cerber settings, then performed the resync,…

  • Posted a reply to Mailchimp for Woocommerce has not added the webhook to Mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    @khungate Any updates? I'm still seeing the message on both sites.

  • Posted a reply to Mailchimp for Woocommerce has not added the webhook to Mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    Hey @khungate, I did this on both websites mentioned.

  • Posted a reply to Mailchimp for Woocommerce has not added the webhook to Mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    Another website has the same problem -

  • Created a topic, Mailchimp for Woocommerce has not added the webhook to Mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    How do I fix this issue?

  • Posted a reply to Fatal error with latest version, on the site Forums:
    Can it be this change in \includes\ causing the trouble?

  • Posted a reply to Hide media library column?, on the site Forums:
    Nope, it doesn't work no matter what priority I set. I tried running the code…

  • Created a topic, Hide media library column?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, We want to hide the custom column that the plu…

  • Posted a reply to [Admin Menu Editor] Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, on the site Forums:
    This vulnerability is about plugin, not this one.

  • Created a topic, Pre-sale question, on the site Forums:
    Hello, As I understand, the Pro version allows to cus…
