@bouzin on
- Member Since: February 10th, 2017
Contribution History
bouzin’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Took our site down, on the site Forums:
It seems the issue you're experiencing with the infinite redirects is likely due to a… -
Translated 8 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 6 strings on
Translated 20 strings on
Translated 4 strings on
Translated 6 strings on
Translated 17 strings on
Translated 10 strings on
Translated 16 strings on
Translated 11 strings on
Translated 457 strings on
Translated 386 strings on
Translated 451 strings on
Translated 147 strings on
Created a topic, High level security, on the site Forums:
I use it on all my sites very good protection which u… -
Posted a reply to remove Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
I don't understand why it is marked as Resolved? Your removal plugin is not working.… -
Posted a reply to remove Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
add a plugin to remove add things suddenly we will increase the site for nothing… -
Posted a reply to Changes you made may not be saved., on the site Forums:
same for me. and for info all the gutenberg deactivator has the same problem -
Created a topic, remove Gutenberg, on the site Forums:
Hi, How to remove Gutenberg? thank! -
Created a topic, Il nettoie vraiment bien., on the site Forums:
Pour moi le seul plugin qui est capable de venir à bou… -
Created a topic, Thème rapide et facile, on the site Forums:
Thème très rapide ! Bravo au développeur ! Et facile à… -
Created a topic, Jeff Starr and the King of Security, on the site Forums:
The plugin that I put by default in all my sites is th… -
Created a topic, J’aime ce plugin de compression, on the site Forums:
J'adore la facilité d'utilisation de WP Compress, les … -
Posted a reply to Plugin Breaks Website; No Support Help, on the site Forums:
Support is on break for a few days for the release of version 5 which… -
Created a topic, Créer des formulaires facilement, on the site Forums:
Le système le plus facile que je connaisse pour créer … -
Created a topic, Le plugin que j’active dans tout mes sites, on the site Forums:
Très bon plugin grace à lui je retrouve mon éditeur cl… -
Posted a reply to Bon thème, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much I will be careful so that it does not happen anymore -
Posted a reply to Bon thème gratuit mais mauvaise licence, on the site Forums:
How to modify my opinion? I have the error message “ERROR: you do not have… -
Posted a reply to [OceanWP] Bon thème gratuit mais mauvaise licence, on the site Forums:
Comment modifier mon avis? J’ai le message d’erreur “ERROR: You do not have permission to… -
Created a topic, [Custom Code Manager] Remplace le thème enfant – Replaces the child themes, on the site Forums:
Merci au développeur! Le plugin remplace les thèmes … -
Created a topic, [OceanWP] Bon thème gratuit mais mauvaise licence, on the site Forums:
Très bon thème gratuit, mais une catastrophe depuis … -
Posted a reply to [OceanWP] Don’t buy it from website u’ll have problem like me, on the site Forums:
Try to go into your account with the opera browser, it works for me. -
Created a topic, [Astra] Le meilleure thème de WordPress, on the site Forums:
Le plus rapide et le meilleure thème que j’utilise … -
Created a topic, Pour un site web comme neuf – For a website like new, on the site Forums:
Le meilleures plugin de nettoyage de base de donnée p… -
Created a topic, [My Custom Styles] Bon plugin, on the site Forums:
Super je peut utiliser mon CSS sans risquer de tout pe… -
Created a topic, [Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule] Juste génial !, on the site Forums:
Une sauvegarde qui ne prend pas de place et d’un… -
Created a topic, [SEOPress] Génial !!!, on the site Forums:
Je recommande ce plugin pour de très bon résulta SEO… -
Created a topic, [Gutenberg] Difficult for non technical people who uses WP for a long time, on the site Forums:
Hello, sorry I was a little hard, but a lot of stress.… -
Created a topic, [iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)] The top, on the site Forums:
For me the best security plugin! With I can sleep peac… -
Created a topic, Génial, on the site Forums:
Je trouve ce plugin vraiment génial, comme on dit: «… -
Posted a reply to The easiest to use, on the site Forums:
Super I just see you just add the function to justify thank you -
Created a topic, The easiest to use, on the site Forums:
Bravo !!! Finally a Build visually easy to use just … -
Created a topic, My favorite plugin !!!, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this plugin that saves me a hard time C…
Admin Menu Editor
AppMySite - Create an app with the Best Mobile App Builder
Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule
BBQ Firewall – Fast & Powerful Firewall Security
Brizy - Page Builder
Brozzme DB Prefix & Tools Addons
Code Profiler - WordPress Performance Profiling and Debugging Made Easy
Docket Cache - Object Cache Accelerator
Download Plugin
EWWW Image Optimizer
FluentSMTP - WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider
Gumlet - Image optimization with Resize, Compression, Lazy load, Caching & CDN delivery
MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS
Media Cleaner: Clean your WordPress!
Minimal Coming Soon – Coming Soon Page
PageSpeed Ninja - Cache, Minify, Defer CSS JavaScript, Critical CSS, Optimize Images, Convert WebP
Plugin Load Filter
Post Type Switcher
Rapid Cache
SEOPress - On-site SEO
Simple Cache
Simple Custom CSS and JS
Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
Stackable - Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks
Table Rate Shipping Method for WooCommerce by Flexible Shipping
Temporary Login Without Password
Translate Wordpress with GTranslate
User Switching
WebTotem Security
WPForms - Easy Form Builder for WordPress - Contact Forms, Payment Forms, Surveys, & More