@bossma on
- Member Since: December 14th, 2010
Contribution History
bossma’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to 优化, on the site Forums:
没有明白你遇到的问题, 1、目前插件在前台页面是通过ajax方式获取微信分享用的签名信息的。 2、token和ticket也不是每次都查询,后台会缓存的。 你可以查看html中的代码,应该有类似的内容: jQuery.get('https://xxx/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data, function(response) { weChatJsSign = response; if(weChatJsSign){ ... 请确定是不是最新版本。 -
Committed [2144872] to Plugins SVN:
0.3.4 released -
Committed [2144870] to Plugins SVN:
upgrade to 0.3.4:getting the current domain and url using the ... -
Posted a reply to ?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0, on the site Forums:
这个是微信浏览器自动加上的,不是这个插件的作用,不用担心。 -
Posted a reply to, on the site Forums:
用于获取您服务器的公网出口IP地址的,也可以换成其它的此类工具。 -
Committed [1992707] to Plugins SVN:
support wordpress 5.0 -
Committed [1977224] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to 5.0 -
Committed [1977216] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to 5.0 -
Committed [1957797] to Plugins SVN:
0.3.3 -
Committed [1957796] to Plugins SVN:
* 更改反向代理情况下获取分享链接域名的方法 * 对分享标题和描述中的双引号进行转义 * 修改从文章中提取图片的正则表达式 * ... -
Posted a reply to 多站点的问题, on the site Forums:
您好,标题含有双引号的问题已经解决,提交到github. -
Posted a reply to 多站点的问题, on the site Forums:
十分感谢你的反馈,特色图片的问题我这里不能复现,正常情况下如果无法从文章中取得图片,应该会有一个随机图,怀疑是获取到了无效的图片地址。您能不能提供一个演示地址,我看一下是如何发生的。 -
Posted a reply to 多站点的问题, on the site Forums:
基本确定是生成分享链接不支持某些部署或者二级域名方式,我已经提交到github上,您可以看看是不是可行,只需要替换:sharing-page.php -
Posted a reply to 多站点的问题, on the site Forums:
1、myip是获取服务器的出口IP,微信的公众号中需要这个IP,具体看安装步骤。这个是我另一个站。 2、分站是怎么分的?二级目录?这个你可以在浏览器中查看源文件看看分享的链接是什么 -
Committed [1945560] to Plugins SVN:
add plugin icon-256x256.png -
Committed [1945534] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.3 -
Committed [1945532] to Plugins SVN:
remove old 1.3 -
Created a topic, IIS下使用WordPress必备插件, on the site Forums
Committed [1945526] to Plugins SVN:
modify install description. -
Committed [1945521] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.3 -
Committed [1945519] to Plugins SVN:
fix tag string cut bug; test for 4.9.8. -
Committed [1933546] to Plugins SVN:
modify 0.2.x upgrade description. -
Committed [1933545] to Plugins SVN:
modify 0.2.x upgrade description. -
Committed [1933543] to Plugins SVN:
update screenshot-1.png -
Committed [1933542] to Plugins SVN:
updte screenshot-1.png -
Committed [1933541] to Plugins SVN:
release 0.3.2 -
Committed [1933540] to Plugins SVN:
add 0.3.2 description -
Committed [1933538] to Plugins SVN:
release 0.3.2 for improve related instructions. -
Created a topic, 简单灵活的微信分享插件, on the site Forums:
很少的配置就可以实现微信分享,还可以使用模板个性化分享内容。 -
Committed [1921031] to Plugins SVN:
0.3.1 -
Committed [1921026] to Plugins SVN:
update version name. -
Committed [1921023] to Plugins SVN:
* 增加了分享标题和描述的模板设置功能,让分享更个性化; * 增加了首页分享使用网站Icon的选择; * ... -
Committed [1811981] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.3.0 -
Committed [1811979] to Plugins SVN:
1、解决含有中文的url分享签名错误的问题; 2、增加首页、分类页、标签页、存档页、搜索页以及单独页面的分享功能; 3、release 0.3.0。 -
Committed [1811976] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.2.2 -
Posted a reply to 按照步骤设置了,但是分享的时候还是没缩略图和摘要, on the site Forums:
请确认相关分享接口权限是否开通,新申请的公众号需要认真通过才有这个接口权限。又因为个人账号不能认证,所以个人账号是用不了的,但是很久前申请的账号是有这个权限的。 -
Committed [1758620] to Plugins SVN:
1、修改Exit IP为Outbound IP; 2、注释签名包中调试用的url和原始签名字符串,防止信息泄露。 -
Committed [1724103] to Plugins SVN:
update version upgrade description. -
Committed [1723520] to Plugins SVN:
new version 0.2.1 -
Committed [1723519] to Plugins SVN:
modify readme.txt -
Committed [1723516] to Plugins SVN:
add upgrade description. -
Committed [1723513] to Plugins SVN:
wrong description. -
Committed [1723512] to Plugins SVN:
add end strong tag for description. -
Committed [1723511] to Plugins SVN:
new version 0.2.1 -
Committed [1723510] to Plugins SVN:
move the wechat config file to prevent loss after upgrade. -
Committed [1723508] to Plugins SVN:
revert to old version for version upgrade problem. -
Committed [1723506] to Plugins SVN:
this version have a serious bug. -
Committed [1723503] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.2.1 -
Committed [1723502] to Plugins SVN:
Now you can get the exit ip of the user server. -
Committed [1723501] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.2.0
Bosima WeChat Page Sharing
Active Installs: 200+
IIS Chinese Tag Permalink
Active Installs: 200+