

I have so many different experiences in my life that have shown me that disabilities do not always stop you. I have been a judge, graphic designer, entrepreneur, computer repair specialist, video production engineer, and even a promoter of potential music talent. My life has led me to places that many can not even fathom, let alone done it themselves! I have multiple physical disabilities due to cancer at age 14, with massive amounts of Chemo and many other chemicals and drugs. I am also on the Autism Spectrum (ASD), with Major Depressive and Bi-Polar thrown into the mix.

I truly believe that there is ALWAYS a silver lining to any situation and event! With this in mind, I am trying to start a company with the sole purpose of helping minorities. This includes those with disabilities, members of the LBGTQ+ Community, and anyone of color. I also want to help to bring better equality to all. Women should not get paid less, or not given the same opportunities.


Just About Everything

WordPress Origin Story

My entire history of coding websites was by hand using Windows NotePad since 1997. Then one day I thought that there had to be a better way! I started playing around with programs like CodeLobster to only find that I was still doing more work than I thought I should. I found expensive programs like NetObjects Fusion, Mobirise, and more. I had little control of the actual output and the code seemed really messy! Plus, the procedures that were needed to constantly upload the changes were getting out of control! Then I found WordPress while playing around on my server’s Softalocus. My prayers were finally answered! I am still learning my way around, but I think after a few months I have started to really get the hang of it. I have stumbled a few times, had to even reinstall a few times. The ease of use and the thousands of plugins and themes available are fantastic! I can not make an entire, fully functioning site in a matter of about 2 days instead of weeks with cand coding. I really love WordPress and I understand why there is no wonder that their share of what runs the internet keeps growing.

Contributions Sponsored

Todd Stratton contributes 20 hours per week to the following teams: Accessibility, Design, Test, and Training.

  • Member Since: July 16th, 2020
  • Location: Nelson, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Website:
  • GitHub: Boofola
  • Job Title: Owner / Founder
  • Employer: Boofola LLC
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Wasted of Time!, on the site Forums:
    This plugin would be good for people who have never us…

  • Created a topic, Fatal error on line 199, on the site Forums:
    I have been looking for a plugin to rearrange My Sites…

  • Created a topic, SO GREAT & EASY!!! LOVE IT!, on the site Forums:
    I have used Duplicator before with ease. I had always …

  • Posted a reply to Notice will NOT GO AWAY Very Intrusive!, on the site Forums:
    Please make sure to read the UPDATED Post! I was in a hurry and simply…

  • Created a topic, Notice will NOT GO AWAY Very Intrusive!, on the site Forums:
    On any site or Multisite that has ever had one of the …

  • Created a topic, SIMPLY AWESOME!!!, on the site Forums:
    I can NOT say enough about how great this plugin and t…

  • Posted a reply to Sitemap is Empty?, on the site Forums:
    @wpsmort Thank you for your response. This time when I reactivated the All-In-One sitemap feature,…

  • Created a topic, Sitemap is Empty?, on the site Forums:
    I love this plugin! I personally feel that it is much …

  • Created a topic, Why Buy This Theme?????, on the site Forums:
    I made the huge mistake of purchasing this theme! It …