Alex Swan
@boldbigflank on
- Member Since: April 26th, 2012
Contribution History
Alex Swan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [544336] to Plugins SVN:
twilio.js added to header scripts -
Committed [541143] to Plugins SVN:
shortcode, more descriptive -
Committed [537003] to Plugins SVN:
set version 1.1.0 branch -
Committed [536974] to Plugins SVN:
hide digits option -
Committed [536956] to Plugins SVN:
example fix -
Committed [536952] to Plugins SVN:
contributor fix -
Committed [536951] to Plugins SVN:
contributor fix -
Committed [536949] to Plugins SVN:
tagging v1.0.0 -
Committed [536947] to Plugins SVN:
basic click to call via client functionality
Wordpress Click2Client
Active Installs: 10+