Monique Dubbelman
@boemedia on
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: May 14th, 2012
- Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Website:
- Job Title: web consultant | UX designer | Content strategist
- Employer: UX All The Things
Contribution History
Monique Dubbelman’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Design Contributor
- Design Team
- Meetup Organizer
- Meta Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Mentioned in [57638] on Core SVN:
Media: Replace media icon images with SVG. -
Mentioned in [56220] on Core SVN:
Help/About: Add a “Get Involved” tab to the About page. -
Mentioned in [53815] on Core SVN:
Administration: Change default site tagline to an empty string. -
Wrote a new post, Sprekers geselecteerd en uitgenodigd, on the site WordCamp Nederland 2022:
Iedereen die zich heeft aangemeld als spreker heeft afgelopen maandag 23 juni een mail ontvangen. -
Wrote a new post, Waarom het leuk is om op WordCamp Nederland te spreken, on the site WordCamp Nederland 2022:
Op 15 en 16 september 2022 vindt voor het eerst sinds 2016 weer een WordCamp… -
Wrote a comment on the post Contributing as a beginner, on the site WordCamp Europe 2022:
Is there a transcript available of the recording? Would love to read, not listen <3 -
Wrote a new post, Sprekers gezocht!, on the site WordCamp Nederland 2022:
Voor WordCamp Nederland 2022 zijn we weer opzoek naar sprekers! Dit jaar zal #WCNL plaatsvinden… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Netherlands 2022
Posted a reply to Predefined values no longer work – donation not possible due to parsing error, on the site Forums:
Thank you for the suggestion of looking into the decimal notation. No need to explain… -
Posted a reply to Predefined values no longer work – donation not possible due to parsing error, on the site Forums:
Thanks @adham24a2 , that did the trick. Strangely, with comma's it worked fine until 2… -
Created a topic, Predefined values no longer work – donation not possible due to parsing error, on the site Forums:
When a customer tries to donate with a predefined valu… -
Posted a reply to Plugin / shortcode not working with Elementor, on the site Forums:
Hi @eboxnet , Thanks for your response. I initially didn't get an output from the… -
Created a topic, Plugin / shortcode not working with Elementor, on the site Forums:
A client switched to Elementor page builder, but it se… -
Posted a reply to Google Optimize not working due to configuration mismatch, on the site Forums:
I think I got the issue (not yet solved, but..): this is a site running… -
Posted a reply to Google Optimize not working due to configuration mismatch, on the site Forums:
Hi Abdullah, Yes I did, see this screenshot: and this screenshot: I will… -
Created a topic, Google Optimize not working due to configuration mismatch, on the site Forums:
I've added my Google Analytics account as well as Goog… -
Wrote a comment on the post New design team rep as of December 2020, on the site Make WordPress Design:
Congrats on your new role @chaion07! -
Posted a reply to Photonic-Google foto’s video problemen, on the site Support forums:
Je kunt je vraag misschien beter even stellen aan de ontwikkelaar van de plugin: -
Posted a reply to kleur optie kiezen, on the site Support forums:
Als ik naar je link kijk, lijkt dit inmiddels wel gelukt? -
Posted a reply to Toevoegen afbeelding werkt niet (grijs vlak), on the site Support forums:
Heb je het thema al een keer verwijderd en het met het standaard WP thema… -
Posted a reply to Paytium Pro JavaScript problemen, on the site Forums:
Hoi, Lees ook even deze post: -
Created a topic, Huge potential, on the site Forums:
Although the user experience can be improved a lot, es… -
Posted a reply to Line height input not working properly, on the site Forums:
Hey @swissspidy , thanks for you quick reply. That did the trick, it now works… -
Posted a reply to Line height input not working properly, on the site Forums:
To clarify: this is a clean, local latest WP install with no additional plugins and… -
Created a topic, Line height input not working properly, on the site Forums:
The line height cannot be changed. When I want to adju… -
Created a topic, plugin conflict with bundled products, on the site Forums:
I reinstalled the plugin to create a discount when a c… -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 5.6 Release Planning, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Good luck to everyone involved! This is legendary! *happy dance* -
Wrote a comment on the post Design meeting notes for 11 march 2020, on the site Make WordPress Design:
As nobody objected, we’ll be moving the meeting time forward one hour starting from the… -
Wrote a comment on the post Fullscreen mode enabled by default in the editor, on the site Make WordPress Core:
@matt could you tell me where I can find that research? My first feeling is,… -
Posted a reply to WordFence blocks frontend view, on the site Forums:
I think I found the culprit. The old IP from Siteground, that forwards to their… -
Created a topic, WordFence blocks frontend view, on the site Forums:
Two of the websites I host in my Siteground cloud acco… -
Wrote a comment on the post Blocks, Patterns, and Layouts, on the site Make WordPress Design:
What is the use case for adding another term-layer in the block structure? Is this… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Milano 2019
Wrote a new post, Design meeting notes for September 25, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Design:
These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can… -
Mentioned in [46256] on Core SVN:
Login and Registration: Add a "Show password" button on the login page. -
Wrote a comment on the post Call for participants: Creating A Welcoming And Diverse Space (Online Workshop on Sun, Oct 6), on the site Make WordPress Communities:
Happy to join via @boemedia! -
Wrote a new post, Design meeting notes for August 28, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Design:
These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp New York City 2019 2019
Mentioned in [45757] on Core SVN:
Add admin email verification screen. -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal: a WordPress Advisory Board, on the site Team Updates:
Question: how many people would be on the advisory board? -
Wrote a comment on the post Proposal: a WordPress Advisory Board, on the site Team Updates:
Exciting to see how this evolves! I agree with what's set above on a 2… -
Wrote a comment on the post Block Directory in WP-Admin Concepts, on the site Make WordPress Design:
Would tabs work for this section? Or even one accordion/toggle for all the sections?? To… -
Wrote a new post, Design meeting notes for July 17, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Design:
These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can… -
Wrote a comment on the post Block Library Installation Design Hand-off, on the site Make WordPress Design:
Happy to help! -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Europe 2019
Wrote a comment on the post WP5.3: Open Call for Tickets, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Kggg yes, Mika, thank you, you’re so right. Core core core. I’ll sleep on that… -
Wrote a comment on the post WP5.3: Open Call for Tickets, on the site Make WordPress Core:
The plugins page really lacks a filtering and good search option. I know there's… -
Wrote a new post, Design meeting notes for 15 May, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Design:
These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday's. You can… -
Wrote a new post, Design meeting notes for April 24, 2019, on the site Make WordPress Design:
You can read the full transcript of this meeting on our Slack channel. You can also… -
Wrote a comment on the post Block Library: Installing Blocks from Within Gutenberg, on the site Make WordPress Design:
For starts, I love the project board on Github and how this is broken down…