BMC Internet Marketing
@bmcinternet on
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: April 16th, 2016
- Location: Sittard, The Netherlands
- Website:
- Job Title: Senior Online Marketing Specialist
- Employer: BMC Internet Marketing
Created a topic, Zero orders deleted, on the site Forums:
Not worth a second of your time. -
Created a topic, suffix ?cn-reloaded=1 after ingoring cookienotice, on the site Forums:
Hi, After ignoring the cookienotice page reloads and … -
Posted a reply to Invalid chatlink mobile device, on the site Forums:
Sorry, I forgot to fill in my phonenumber... #caseclosed -
Posted a reply to Invalid chatlink mobile device, on the site Forums: -
Created a topic, Invalid chatlink mobile device, on the site Forums:
Hi, On mobile device the plugin does not work, I get … -
Created a topic, Wich 2way sync plugin? Disable location, services, worker & connection, on the site Forums:
Hi, Can I skip services, worker & connection and … -
Created a topic, Double VAT is charged, on the site Forums:
Hi, Your plugin works (after tried a lot of others) e… -
Posted a reply to Requester VAT number for the VAT validation service, on the site Forums:
Just to be sure. We sell to Belgian customers, they validate Beglgian VAT numbers. Is… -
Posted a reply to Requester VAT number for the VAT validation service, on the site Forums:
So it is ok to fill in a Dutch VAT number in the field "Requester… -
Created a topic, Requester VAT number for the VAT validation service, on the site Forums:
Hi, We sell product for the Belgian market form a Dut… -
Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi, The Woothemes stopped doing his job properly, ver… -
Posted a reply to VAT Number not valid, on the site Forums:
Same issue here. Started when VIES reported issues for Belgian VAT numbers. Yesterday I enabled… -
Posted a reply to Conversion ID – My conversions transactions come from analytics., on the site Forums:
Hi, The purpose of me installing your plugin is to be able to thrive remarketing.… -
Created a topic, Conversion ID – My conversions transactions come from analytics., on the site Forums:
Hi, Watched your tube related finding the conversion … -
Posted a reply to Do visitors consent when ignoring the cookienotice?, on the site Forums:
Thats a real bummer. Any data or a average percentage of visitors who consent? -
Created a topic, Do visitors consent when ignoring the cookienotice?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Wondering if vistiors consent by not taking actio… -
Created a topic, If cookie notice is ignored by user will the cookie be placed?, on the site Forums:
Wondering the cookie will be placed when a visitor ign… -
Posted a reply to Nice and easy to set up, on the site Forums:
Hi, Do you know if the cookie is placed if the visitior ignores to accept… -
Posted a reply to Perfect SEO URL Gone?, on the site Forums:
I've searched for other perfect seo url users who are facing the same challange. Cannot… -
Posted a reply to Perfect SEO URL Gone?, on the site Forums:
Today I saw my license has expired (for a week or so), Url's are still… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi Nick, Yes I have send you an email, please check, it might be in… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Looked for the Wordfence security plugin we use on shops, but not present in… -
Posted a reply to ” it’s just an estimate the prices will be updated during the purchase”, on the site Forums:
Hi, This issue also bothers me, customers might think they will get charged extra after… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, I will test it this week. Other issue I see with chat history, I… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, What exactly is the heartbeat you refering to? Not sure, I think I might… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Think there still is a problem with online / offline, think the cause is… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Did some further testing. I changed "Choose when I want to be online" from unchecked… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Checked developer panel, console, no errors. But got another problem, think it is a… -
Posted a reply to Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, We are using WPML, I think we will manage it. Can you tell me… -
Created a topic, Serve different languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Great plugin! I was wondering how I can configure… -
Posted a reply to Occasionally I do not receive new order mails (1 /100) >this plugin a solution?, on the site Forums:
I have set an alternative email address, one that is not the same as the… -
Created a topic, Occasionally I do not receive new order mails (1 /100) >this plugin a solution?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Once in a while we do not recieve new order email… -
Posted a reply to Set ordernumber as custom ID, on the site Forums:
Heb al een optie gevonden om ORDER_NR toe te voegen aan de labelomschrijving. #done -
Created a topic, Set ordernumber as custom ID, on the site Forums:
Beste developer, Is het mogelijk om het WC ordernumme… -
Created a topic, Check mails that not have been sent, on the site Forums:
Hi, Actully I was looking for a solution to track mai… -
Created a topic, Good product excellent service, on the site Forums:
Satisfied customer for over 2 years now. Always been h… -
Posted a reply to AdWords paralel tracking (before october 31), on the site Forums:
Thanks -
Created a topic, AdWords paralel tracking (before october 31), on the site Forums:
Hi, Is the plugin compatible with "AdWords paralell t… -
Posted a reply to Each form same id tag?, on the site Forums:
Thanks, we'll keep it this way. -
Created a topic, Each form same id tag?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Do I need to generate a unique id for each form? … -
Posted a reply to Plugin not working on my site, on the site Forums:
Not working on my end either. Option enable watermark for uploaded images appears to do… -
Posted a reply to IMPORTANT: checking full size is NOT recommended as it’s the original image., on the site Forums:
Somehow I do not see a watermark at all, tried muliple settings. Somebody out there?… -
Posted a reply to Problem with feature, on the site Forums:
I am looking for that feature to, because I first want to watermark some images… -
Posted a reply to no watermark for featured image?, on the site Forums:
Same issue here.... Do you know how to manual use the watermark tool without having… -
Created a topic, IMPORTANT: checking full size is NOT recommended as it’s the original image., on the site Forums:
"IMPORTANT: checking full size is NOT recommended as i… -
Posted a reply to eCommerce Data Stopped Flowing, on the site Forums:
Satified for few years now, but also noticing larger deviations. I do not have exactly… -
Created a topic, Use for 404 error log without redirect an option?, on the site Forums:
Hi, I want to use this pluigin just to log the 404 er… -
Created a topic, Duplicated conversion, on the site Forums:
Hi, Yesterday fully updated all plugins and WP versio… -
Posted a reply to Not responsive, on the site Forums:
More problems occur. The preload wheel keeps spinning in Google Chrome. Only after ctrl =…