@bestonline1 on
- Member Since: November 25th, 2017
- Location: Poland
- Website:
Contribution History
bestonline1’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Translated 1 string on
Created a topic, Thank you for fixing wordpress feature broken by dumbs, on the site Forums:
Thank you! -
Posted a reply to Stan witryny po aktualizacji 5.5 i 5.5.1, on the site Forum:
OK, wszystko jasne, dziękuję. Dziwne jest to, że pomimo błędu motyw działa poprawnie, a problem… -
Posted a reply to Stan witryny po aktualizacji 5.5 i 5.5.1, on the site Forum:
Plugin Narzędzia/Stan witryny dostarczany jest wraz z Wordpressem (od wersji 5.2). Owszem można problem rozwiązać… -
Posted a reply to Zmiana PHP na nowszą, on the site Forum:
Jaka to wtyczka? Może podaje informacje wcześniej zgromadzone. Jeżeli bezpośrednio na subdomenie po wywołaniu skryptu… -
Created a topic, Stan witryny po aktualizacji 5.5 i 5.5.1, on the site Forum:
Wykonanie standardowej wtyczki Wordpressa "Narzędzia/S… -
Posted a reply to Length of Message, on the site Forums:
It is dependent on your web page design, theme and font used -
Posted a reply to header marquee font color not changes, on the site Forums:
To use colors and other styling options please install TinyMCE Advanced plugin. -
Created a topic, Tools/Site status not works correctly after update WordPress to 5.5, on the site Forums:
After upgrading Wordpress to 5.5 and using Tools/Site … -
Created a topic, Timezone not woeking, displaying UTC on all events, on the site Forums:
Adding date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Warsaw"); is… -
Posted a reply to WordPress crone job do not start, on the site Forums:
It seems that ftp data (password) has been reset. After filling login/password data backup process… -
Posted a reply to WordPress crone job do not start, on the site Forums:
I have got: WordPress version: 5.3.2 BackWPup version: 3.6.8 PHP version: 7.3.11-1+0~20191026.48+debian9~1.gbpf71ca0 (64bit) MySQL version:… -
Created a topic, WordPress crone job do not start, on the site Forums:
After update (BackWPup plugin and Wordpress) Wordpress… -
Created a topic, This pugin is not working any more, on the site Forums:
Wordpress generated message: "Your Site is Experiencin… -
Posted a reply to Problem with caching iframes, on the site Forums:
Problem was caused by Google logout command in page code (Google change something) and was… -
Created a topic, Problem with caching iframes, on the site Forums:
Thank you developers for good plugin. I have problem w… -
Posted a reply to Spam url’s, on the site Forums:
I confirm it. Google captcha v3 is not so relible as v2. It will be… -
Posted a reply to Marquee message not showing up, on the site Forums:
I see marquee "Special announcement: Happy Holidays!" Sorry for delay answering you. -
Posted a reply to New version compability with Contact Form 7, on the site Forums:
I did as you write, but log file wasn't created. With only one line in… -
Posted a reply to New version compability with Contact Form 7, on the site Forums:
Actually problem is back. This is wordpress plugin page before update: And this is… -
Posted a reply to New version compability with Contact Form 7, on the site Forums:
Currently problem has gone. I rolled back Accordions plugin to 2.0.23 and update to current… -
Created a topic, New version compability with Contact Form 7, on the site Forums:
I noticed problems in compability with new Contact For… -
Posted a reply to any short code for this plugin, on the site Forums:
At this moment - no. Because Header-Marquee appears only in header or footer. But I… -
Created a topic, Surprising, on the site Forums:
Surprising 1 star only for changing, in new update, pa… -
Posted a reply to Entire Message in the Marquee is not appearing on mobile, on the site Forums:
It is to little information to answer this question. Apple Safari is a different then… -
Created a topic, Simple but works fine, on the site Forums:
Very simple - you cannot change parameters in plugin s… -
Created a topic, Plugin is resetting other sliders, on the site Forums:
Unfortunatly this plugin is resetting other sliders. Y… -
Created a topic, Not working, on the site Forums:
Does not play on. Strange image scalling... -
Committed [1792063] to Plugins SVN:
fancy new feature 1 -
Committed [1792062] to Plugins SVN:
fancy new feature -
Committed [1787319] to Plugins SVN:
1.01 -
Committed [1787313] to Plugins SVN:
dodanie js hjs -
Committed [1787311] to Plugins SVN:
2.01 usuwana -
Committed [1787308] to Plugins SVN:
znowu do 1.0 -
Committed [1787302] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 językowe pliki -
Committed [1787299] to Plugins SVN:
1.13 remove -
Committed [1787298] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 remove -
Committed [1787297] to Plugins SVN:
2.01 -
Committed [1787293] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 nowe rzeczy -
Committed [1787286] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 nowe -
Committed [1787282] to Plugins SVN:
2.01 dod -
Committed [1787281] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 cos nowego -
Committed [1787275] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 zmiany -
Committed [1787271] to Plugins SVN:
2.01 -
Committed [1787244] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 plus -
Committed [1787208] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.33 chc -
Committed [1787206] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.34 remove -
Committed [1787202] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [1787197] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2 -
Committed [1787195] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.12
Active Installs: 300+