@benimation on and Slack
- Member Since: February 20th, 2014
Contribution History
Benimation’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Plug-in stopped working, on the site Forums:
@emilymasnoon Are you sure it's this plugin that's causing the problem? You could always try… -
Posted a reply to Stopped working in latest version (4.0.0), on the site Forums:
It works again! -
Posted a reply to Stopped working in latest version (4.0.0), on the site Forums:
It just disappears instead of showing the images.. -
Posted a reply to Plug-in stopped working, on the site Forums:
I'm not getting any errors.. It just disappears.. -
Posted a reply to Stopped working in latest version (4.0.0), on the site Forums:
Hi, nothing works. It's not breaking the page, though. It's just not displaying anything. I… -
Posted a reply to I need version 3.4.4 since 4.0.0 has errors, on the site Forums:
I see that version 3.4.4 isn't available for download here.. Here's mine: -
Created a topic, Stopped working in latest version (4.0.0), on the site Forums:
Hi, The feed stopped working after updating to the la… -
Posted a reply to Incompatible with Beaver Builder, on the site Forums:
Hi, This bug still exists. Any update on this? It only happens on a page… -
Posted a reply to Cannot connect account, on the site Forums:
Hi, I was having the same problem in Safari. I switched to Chrome and that… -
Posted a reply to Incompatible with Beaver Builder, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm still experiencing this problem. Any update on this? I also contacted Beaver Builder… -
Created a topic, Maximum file size for featured image, on the site Forums:
Hello, Is there a way for me to set the maximum file … -
Created a topic, Incompatible with Beaver Builder, on the site Forums:
Hi, This plugin seems to be not completely compatible… -
Created a topic, Incompatible with Beaver Builder, on the site Forums:
Hi, The plugin seems to be incompatible with Beaver B… -
Created a topic, Incompatible plugins: HTTPS Redirection and Enjoy Instagram, on the site Forums:
Hi, 2 of the plugins I'm using seem to be incompatibl… -
Posted a reply to Custom email goes to admin, not customer, on the site Forums:
The only significant difference I see in the code is on line 37 of includes/class-woo-custom-emails-per-product.php.… -
Posted a reply to Custom email goes to admin, not customer, on the site Forums:
Update: I downgraded to version 2.1.1 and now everything is working as it should -
Posted a reply to Custom email goes to admin, not customer, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm having the same issue. I didn't change any settings, I just updated to… -
Committed [1813567] to Plugins SVN:
First commit -
Posted a reply to Page builder keeps opening on page refresh, on the site Forums:
Hi, Sometimes I just want to refresh after I've changed something in the code of… -
Created a topic, Page builder keeps opening on page refresh, on the site Forums:
Since the last update, every time I leave the page bui… -
Created a topic, Serious bugs, on the site Forums:
I can't publish events, the status stays unchanged. Wh… -
Created a topic, Semicolons, on the site Forums:
Many programs export CSV files with semicolons instead… -
Posted a reply to Lagging and stuttering in Chrome with hardware acceleration, on the site Forums:
Hi, it only happens with this plugin. Nothing else.. -
Posted a reply to Lagging and stuttering in Chrome with hardware acceleration, on the site Forums:
It's happening here, for example: -
Created a topic, Lagging and stuttering in Chrome with hardware acceleration, on the site Forums:
Scrolling is anything but smooth when you view the fee… -
Created a topic, Question about subpages, on the site Forums:
Hi, Is is possible to use this with subpages (not cat… -
Created a topic, Bug: Equal column height in safari 8 and below, on the site Forums:
I noticed a bug with the feature to equalize column he… -
Created a topic, Bug: javascript error on several modules, on the site Forums:
Since the last update, I've been getting the same Java… -
Created a topic, Adequate, on the site Forums:
Adequate for a free form plugin. -
Wrote a comment on the post Revisions UI focus kick off post, on the site Make WordPress Design:
I think there should be several view modes that show the differences, like text, WYSIWYG… -
Created ticket #16858 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Benimini - 1.0
Clicky Frontend Stats
Active Installs: Less than 10