Benjamin Atkin
@benatkin on
- Member Since: December 31st, 2008
- Website:
Contribution History
Benjamin Atkin’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [442705] to Plugins SVN:
adding tag 0.1.1 with it set in README -
Committed [442704] to Plugins SVN:
remove tag; adding again -
Committed [442703] to Plugins SVN:
update stable tag -
Committed [442702] to Plugins SVN:
tag 0.1.1 -
Committed [442697] to Plugins SVN:
convert to dos file type -
Committed [442696] to Plugins SVN:
resolve conflicts -
Committed [442695] to Plugins SVN:
add Vimscript brush -
Committed [442416] to Plugins SVN:
tagging 0.1 release -
Committed [442409] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin metadata; add clojure brush -
Committed [442408] to Plugins SVN:
rename plugin file; update readme.txt -
Committed [442407] to Plugins SVN:
add syntaxhighlighter-coffeescript-brush from -
Committed [436397] to Plugins SVN:
Merge branch 'master' of
MyOpenID Delegation
Active Installs: 10+