@bdevs on
- Member Since: April 21st, 2022
Contribution History
bdevs’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3054294] to Plugins SVN:
Updated default options setting of plugin -
Committed [3053173] to Plugins SVN:
Updated setting - options on init. -
Committed [3032508] to Plugins SVN:
Added wp_body_open below in body -
Committed [3032076] to Plugins SVN:
"Updated placeholder hook" -
Committed [3026730] to Plugins SVN:
Added changing option heading tag of breadcrumb. -
Committed [2977121] to Plugins SVN:
Added more widgets custom options -
Committed [2966923] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed WooCommerce issue in widget -
Committed [2957773] to Plugins SVN:
Changed option burger menu bar icon & close icon -
Committed [2944848] to Plugins SVN:
Added Theme Settings options -
Committed [2899657] to Plugins SVN:
Renamed heading to generic heading -
Committed [2894568] to Plugins SVN:
Reverted inline editing access modifier -
Committed [2889777] to Plugins SVN:
Changed access modifier of add_inline_editing_attributes -
Committed [2886771] to Plugins SVN:
Added generic heading elementor widget -
Committed [2852099] to Plugins SVN:
Added navigation menu widget -
Committed [2845557] to Plugins SVN:
Updated widget styles css -
Committed [2845063] to Plugins SVN:
Added Testimonial Widget More Style Control for elementor plugin -
Committed [2841954] to Plugins SVN:
Fixied compatible issue with elementor 3.9.2 -
Committed [2835671] to Plugins SVN:
Added admin notice elementor required -
Committed [2834394] to Plugins SVN:
Updated fanfacts widget in v1.0.5 -
Committed [2834387] to Plugins SVN:
Updated fanfacts widget in version - 1.0.5 -
Committed [2826938] to Plugins SVN:
Release version 1.0.4 -
Committed [2787364] to Plugins SVN:
Added more widgets with header & footer of generic elements for ... -
Committed [2748396] to Plugins SVN:
Added more widgets & screenshots -
Committed [2729064] to Plugins SVN:
Added more screenshots of generic elements for elementor plugin -
Committed [2729043] to Plugins SVN:
Added the first version of generic elements for elementor plugin
Generic Elements
Active Installs: 600+