@ashkanahmadi on
- Member Since: July 7th, 2018
- GitHub: ashkan-ahmadi
Contribution History
ashkanahmadi’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Text domain issue on WP v6.7.x, on the site Forums:
Hi Matteo. I updated the plugin to v3.3 now on WP v6.7.1 with WP_DEBUG set… -
Posted a reply to Text domain issue on WP v6.7.x, on the site Forums:
Great thanks -
Created a topic, Text domain issue on WP v6.7.x, on the site Forums:
Enabling the plugin on v6.7.x throws a Notice and a Wa… -
Suggested 34 strings on
Created a topic, WARNING and NOTICE: _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
Just installed a fresh copy of WordPress on a new doma… -
Posted a reply to Leaving data behind after uninstall, on the site Forums:
I added a pull request on GitHub so that the plugin data isn't removed by… -
Posted a reply to Leaving data behind after uninstall, on the site Forums:
Great thanks. I will check it out -
Created a topic, Leaving data behind after uninstall, on the site Forums:
Hi Does uninstalling the plugin leave some data in … -
Posted a reply to I see no effect after enabling or disabling fields, on the site Forums:
Hi Thank you. You are right. The thing is that I'm moving back to WordPress… -
Created a topic, I see no effect after enabling or disabling fields, on the site Forums:
Installed the plugin on a new fresh install of WP v6.5… -
Created a topic, Useless, on the site Forums:
What's the point of organizing photos into folders if … -
Created a topic, Useless, on the site Forums:
What's the point of organizing photos into folders if … -
Created a topic, Create log only on traffic from a certain IP?, on the site Forums:
Is there any way to create a filter to create a log wh… -
Posted a reply to When I visit the Plugins page, I get a Fatal error because of this plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi I wasn't aware that I'm using the Premium version of this plugin. Ok thanks -
Created a topic, When I visit the Plugins page, I get a Fatal error because of this plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi Recently I noticed that when I go to the Install… -
Posted a reply to How does WordFence know if a password is weak?, on the site Forums:
Thank you. That clarifies it. -
Created a topic, How does WordFence know if a password is weak?, on the site Forums:
Hi When I scan my website, I get this message (repl… -
Created a topic, Receiving 2 errors after backing up my website and installing on a new drive, on the site Forums:
Hi I had my local website on an older machine. Toda… -
Posted a reply to [Polylang] Countries are not sorted alphabetically and unsearchable in Languages, on the site Forums:
Ah I didn’t know that. Thank you for the clarification. -
Created a topic, [Polylang] Countries are not sorted alphabetically and unsearchable in Languages, on the site Forums:
Hi When I edit a language under Languages, the Flag dr… -
Created a topic, [Polylang] Why can I create 2 pages with the same slug on one site but not on my other site, on the site Forums:
Hi I want the slugs of my pages to be the same but thi… -
Created a topic, [Google Tag Manager for WordPress] I’m logged in but the dataLayer says visitorType: “visitor-logged-out”. Why?, on the site Forums:
Hi I have the GTM4WP plugin installed and when I go to… -
Posted a reply to [Polylang] Possible to show the user the blog is available in what languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi Luke. I just tested it and it worked beautifully. That’s amazing thank you so… -
Posted a reply to [Polylang] Does PolyLang have a built-in function that checks if PolyLang is active?, on the site Forums:
Hi Luke. Perfect thank you so much. In this case, then I would wrap everything… -
Created a topic, [Polylang] Does PolyLang have a built-in function that checks if PolyLang is active?, on the site Forums:
Hi I went through the Functions Reference document on … -
Created a topic, Possible to show the user the blog is available in what languages?, on the site Forums:
Hi I was wondering if it’s possible to do the fo… -
Created a topic, [Lenix Elementor Leads addon] Feature request:, on the site Forums:
Hi We have about 20 forms on our website (different pa… -
Created a topic, [Lenix Elementor Leads addon] Why isn’t the last column shown properly?, on the site Forums:
Hi When I look at the leads, there is one column at th… -
Created a topic, [Quiz And Survey Master - Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Plugin for WordPress] “Notice: undefined index” when activating the plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi I just installed the plugin on a clean version of W… -
Created a topic, [Save with keyboard] The tooltip should say “to save” instead of “to click”, on the site Forums:
Hi I just noticed that the tooltip on the Update butto… -
Created a topic, [Save with keyboard] Finally a solution to an annoying issue!, on the site Forums:
Works like a charm! Can’t believe this feature i… -
Created a topic, [Polylang] How does Polylang pick up translatable strings from my custom theme files?, on the site Forums:
I have created a basic theme from scratch and I have w… -
Created a topic, [Theme and plugin translation for Polylang (TTfP)] Non-English characters display as weird symbols when I export. How can I fix it, on the site Forums:
Hi When I export my strings all the Spanish letters li… -
Created a topic, [Theme and plugin translation for Polylang (TTfP)] Is there any way to overwrite the Polylang string translations and use po files?, on the site Forums:
Hi How can I override the Polylang strings or upload a… -
Created a topic, [Polylang] Is there any way to overwrite the string translations and use po files instead?, on the site Forums:
H. Is there any way to override the Polylang strings o… -
Posted a reply to [WooCommerce Admin] I have deleted the WC Admin plugin. Can I delete these tables from the database?, on the site Forums:
Ok thank you for your information. I will keep them. Is there any way I… -
Created a topic, [WP Mail SMTP by WPForms] What is in the wp_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta table and can I delete it?, on the site Forums:
Hi I’ve been going through my database tables to… -
Created a topic, [WooCommerce Admin] I have deleted the WC Admin plugin. Can I delete these tables from the database?, on the site Forums:
Hi Can I delete any of these tables from my database? … -
Posted a reply to [Lenix Elementor Leads addon] trash, on the site Forums:
Hi I don’t know why the plugin doesn’t show the items in the trash, super… -
Posted a reply to [Lenix Elementor Leads addon] Delete lead does not delete from DB, on the site Forums:
True. You have to use the SQL command: SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='elementor_lead' AND… -
Created a topic, [All-in-One WP Migration] is it possible to restore just one file instead of the entire database?, on the site Forums:
I have a backup and I need one file from the wpress fi… -
Posted a reply to [User Verification] Can this be achieved using your plugin?, on the site Forums:
Hi Thank you for your response and sorry about the delay. The thing is that… -
Created a topic, [File Manager] Isn’t being able to change the Public Root Path a security flaw?, on the site Forums:
Hi We have different teams working on different domain… -
Created a topic, [File Manager] Are you offering any assistance or guide on how to delete all suspicious files?, on the site Forums:
Hi We have 7 different domains on our server and all t… -
Posted a reply to [Google Tag Manager for WordPress] The Checkout event fires on the Cart page registering a Checkout inside GA. Why?, on the site Forums:
Hi Yes, that was selected. When I deselect he entire ecommerce object disappears. How can… -
Created a topic, [User Verification] Can this be achieved using your plugin?, on the site Forums:
Hi I have looked at your plugin and it seems like what… -
Created a topic, [Custom Post Type UI] Excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
Super light plugin creating new post types. What I lov… -
Created a topic, [Google Tag Manager for WordPress] The Checkout event fires on the Cart page registering a Checkout inside GA. Why?, on the site Forums:
Hi I am using your plugin to set up enhanced ecommerce… -
Posted a reply to [Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce] I can’t make the radio buttons display on separate lines – any idea?, on the site Forums:
Hi Thank you for your response. I just did but nothing seemed to change. Can… -
Created a topic, [Content Switcher] Any way to display a different item by clicking a button?, on the site Forums:
Hi I see that the items change after every page load. …
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