Arnaud Lemercier
@arnolem on and Slack
- Member Since: May 14th, 2015
- Location: France / Normandie / Rouen
- Website:
- Job Title: Web Developer / UX Designer / PHP Certified Engineer
- Employer: Wixiweb
Contribution History
Arnaud Lemercier’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Created ticket #38000 on Core Trac:
Visual mode editor is broken after update to 4.6.1 -
Committed [1462055] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.6.0 -
Committed [1412362] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.5.2 -
Committed [1393343] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.5 -
Committed [1393340] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.5 -
Committed [1298697] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.4 -
Committed [1217999] to Plugins SVN:
- Compatible Wordpress 4.3 -
Committed [1161902] to Plugins SVN:
- Update changelog -
Committed [1161883] to Plugins SVN:
- Update changelog -
Committed [1161882] to Plugins SVN:
- Change the current stable version -
Committed [1161879] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.1 - Add support to PHP < 5.5.0 - Use vendor folder to external ... -
Committed [1161878] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.1 - Add support to PHP < 5.5.0 - Use vendor folder to external ... -
Committed [1161845] to Plugins SVN:
- add new assets file (banner) -
Committed [1161838] to Plugins SVN:
- add new assets sources files (fireworks) -
Committed [1161780] to Plugins SVN:
- add new assets files (icons) -
Committed [1161770] to Plugins SVN:
- add new assets file -
Committed [1161769] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.0 - Initial version -
Committed [1161768] to Plugins SVN:
- Change the current stable version -
Released a new plugin, Wixiweb FirePHP Queries
Committed [1161767] to Plugins SVN:
- Initial version
Wixiweb FirePHP Queries
Active Installs: 30+