@appglut on
- Member Since: November 14th, 2021
- Website:
Contribution History
AppGlut’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3228885] to Plugins SVN:
Filter namespace typo error fixed -
Committed [3227598] to Plugins SVN:
Added Single Product Layout Builder -
Committed [3220901] to Plugins SVN:
Added Product Status, Search By Text filter in Shop Filter -
Committed [3220664] to Plugins SVN:
Added Product Type Order direction in Shop Filter -
Committed [3220388] to Plugins SVN:
Added Product Type Filter in Shop Filter -
Committed [3219934] to Plugins SVN:
Added Author Filter in Shop Filter, also fixed some bugs -
Committed [3217453] to Plugins SVN:
Review column, social share button added in wishlist page -
Committed [3213626] to Plugins SVN:
First release... -
Committed [3213624] to Plugins SVN:
First Release... -
Committed [3210247] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixed related product swatches -
Committed [3209401] to Plugins SVN:
menu appearance adjusted... -
Committed [3207130] to Plugins SVN:
Product Filter Custom Sorting Options added -
Committed [3206077] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated... -
Committed [3206075] to Plugins SVN:
Some info link and css Appearance updated -
Committed [3205536] to Plugins SVN:
Product Swatches Extended Options Added -
Committed [3204787] to Plugins SVN:
Product Swatches some options implemented -
Committed [3204425] to Plugins SVN:
Swatches width, height, tooltip added -
Committed [3204061] to Plugins SVN:
shoplayout pagination, bug adjusted -
Committed [3203203] to Plugins SVN:
4 new caption layout added to shop layouts -
Committed [3201376] to Plugins SVN:
adjusted an appearance bug -
Committed [3201314] to Plugins SVN:
Some Appearance adjusted... -
Committed [3201095] to Plugins SVN:
swatches added option with color, link label , image -
Committed [3201091] to Plugins SVN:
swatches added with color, image, link label -
Committed [3200303] to Plugins SVN:
template added to shoplayout and also added to archivelayout -
Committed [3199894] to Plugins SVN:
a new nice shoplayout template added -
Committed [3199864] to Plugins SVN:
Product filter added to custom shopglut shop layouts -
Committed [3199055] to Plugins SVN:
Woo Shop Overwrite option added -
Committed [3197058] to Plugins SVN:
readme text updated -
Committed [3197051] to Plugins SVN:
some texts changed -
Committed [3197049] to Plugins SVN:
release check -
Committed [3197024] to Plugins SVN:
some minor changes -
Committed [3197020] to Plugins SVN:
product swatches released in 1.0.7 version -
Committed [3196067] to Plugins SVN:
new version updated... -
Committed [3196064] to Plugins SVN:
text updated... -
Committed [3196063] to Plugins SVN:
text updated... -
Committed [3196061] to Plugins SVN:
text addedd -
Committed [3195962] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt added -
Committed [3195961] to Plugins SVN:
text added in readme.txt -
Committed [3195959] to Plugins SVN:
minor text added -
Committed [3195955] to Plugins SVN:
minor adjustment -
Committed [3195953] to Plugins SVN:
minor adjustments -
Committed [3195945] to Plugins SVN:
New archive layout version addedd -
Committed [3195540] to Plugins SVN:
Archive Shop Layout initial state included -
Committed [3193342] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [3192775] to Plugins SVN:
shop layout one template added -
Committed [3191368] to Plugins SVN:
renamed screenshot -
Committed [3191358] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot added -
Committed [3191331] to Plugins SVN:
New Version, Filter released... -
Committed [3176037] to Plugins SVN:
rounded corner -
Committed [3176003] to Plugins SVN:
logo updated...
Active Installs: Less than 10
Active Installs: Less than 10
Active Installs: Less than 10
WP Tabby - Ultimate WP Tabs Plugin for WordPress
Active Installs: 100+