Antony Booker
@antonynz on, @Antony Booker on Slack
- Member Since: December 22nd, 2012
- Location: New Zealand
- Website:
Contribution History
Antony Booker’s badges:- Core Contributor
Posted a reply to Slower looks up with meta_id sort from update_meta_cache, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply. The bottleneck appears to be when "ORDER BY meta_id ASC;" is… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error on 1.8.4 with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the quick reply. I'd recommend reinstating the filter or if it's no longer… -
Created a topic, Fatal error on 1.8.4 with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
This plugin is usually installed as a recommended plug… -
Created a topic, Slower looks up with meta_id sort from update_meta_cache, on the site Forums:
I'm trying to speed up slow queries from the update_me… -
Created a topic, Fatal error on 4.3 with < WP6.0, on the site Forums:
There is a fatal error on the 4.3 version with WP5.5 … -
Created a topic, echo used in wp_enqueue_scripts, on the site Forums:
This plugin is using echo within the wp_enqueue_script… -
Posted a reply to It may also have added an obfuscated script to the functions.php file, on the site Forums:
Looks like it adds the script to any file in the theme that has functions… -
Posted a reply to It may also have added an obfuscated script to the functions.php file, on the site Forums:
You'll need to manually check the functions.php file in the theme (usually under wp-content/themes/yourtheme/functions.php and… -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage in PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function, on the site Forums:
@benzoid glad you were able to regain access quickly.There seems to be some confusion, to… -
Posted a reply to High CPU usage in PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function, on the site Forums:
Yes this code is in the force updated version from, 11.9.7 that checks for vulnerable… -
Created a topic, High CPU usage in PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function, on the site Forums:
The PowerPress_PRT_incidence_response function is usin… -
Posted a reply to Request: change action scheduler report tasks to one hour from every minute, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the response. Those snippets relate to changing cron jobs, however forminator uses the… -
Created a topic, Performance: register_uninstall_hook calling different functions, on the site Forums:
The plugin is calling two separate callback functions … -
Created a topic, Request: change action scheduler report tasks to one hour from every minute, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to please change the forminator_send_ex… -
Posted a reply to requested on every admin page, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply. The external request to the sift URL is found within the… -
Created a topic, requested on every admin page, on the site Forums:
The URL is be… -
Created a topic, getimagesize bug, on the site Forums:
There's been a couple of threads about performance iss… -
Created a topic, External requests bugs, on the site Forums:
On admin pages the https://promo-dashboard.stylemixthe… -
Posted a reply to can_i_read function returns true for draft post, on the site Forums:
Sorry for the confusion. I'm not requesting any custom code as I can code this… -
Created a topic, can_i_read function returns true for draft post, on the site Forums:
I'm using a search plugin which hooks into Simple memb… -
Created a topic, Draft status posts showing when membership plugin installed, on the site Forums:
Posts with a draft status are being shown in search re… -
Created a topic, Moderation process for when to create new threads, on the site Forums:
This has been a problem for some time on the wordpress… -
Created a topic, External requests impacting load time, on the site Forums:
Following on from a previous thread, the latest versio… -
Created a topic, error log outputting to wpcontenterror.log in 2.41.0, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to change the error log location from w… -
Created a topic, Fatal error when creating new posts V1.0.116, on the site Forums:
A fatal PHP error is occurring when attempting to add … -
Created a topic, Caching compatibility, on the site Forums:
The setPostShown > setRequest function is setting G… -
Posted a reply to Compatibility with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the correction, it was running but yes you're right it should be add_action… -
Posted a reply to Align membership login cookies with WordPress logged in cookie, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply the Force user synchronization option seems to address the issue and… -
Posted a reply to Compatibility with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
The additional code above would be for themes that don't use the_content to display content… -
Posted a reply to Align membership login cookies with WordPress logged in cookie, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply. The page mentions the expiry times of the simple membership cookie… -
Posted a reply to Compatibility with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply. I had a look at the plugin but it won't be… -
Created a topic, Align membership login cookies with WordPress logged in cookie, on the site Forums:
There is an issue with the simple membership cookie an… -
Created a topic, Compatibility with Uncode theme, on the site Forums:
Hello, Is it possible to please make the content re… -
Posted a reply to New Update Give Error 500, on the site Forums:
Resolved with the latest version of Facebook for Woocommerce as they have released a patch… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error with opengraph on 20.2, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply. SEO data is optimized under Tools Indexing of media is disabled… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart_contents_count(), on the site Forums:
Hi @amiralifarooq I have added more context that the exact same error lines occur when… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart_contents_count(), on the site Forums:
Getting this error as well when the latest WooCommerce Blocks plugin is installed (submitted a… -
Posted a reply to New Update Give Error 500, on the site Forums:
Getting a fatal error too when creating a new page/post with the latest version (9.7.0)… -
Created a topic, Fatal error with opengraph on 20.2, on the site Forums:
I'm getting the following fatal error on the front end… -
Closed ticket #57249 on Core Trac:
plugin_folder parameter in get_plugins returns empty array -
Created ticket #57249 on Core Trac:
plugin_folder parameter in get_plugins returns empty array -
Created a topic, Performance improvements, on the site Forums:
The ocean_get_google_font_css function within /include… -
Created a topic, Slow mysql query on large database, on the site Forums:
I'm getting a slow query on the frontend for logged in… -
Posted a reply to Limit ajax requests on dash, on the site Forums:
Have found it's linked to the simple history widget and disabled that on the dashboard… -
Created a topic, Limit ajax requests on dash, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to limit the ajax requests? Currently w… -
Posted a reply to SuperCache Being Removed after 3-5 seconds, on the site Forums:
There's possibly another plugin clearing the cache if indeed the files are being created then… -
Posted a reply to Cache contents were deleted in some seconds, on the site Forums:
I don't suppose you have Yoast SEO installed? If so can you check if there… -
Created a topic, file_get_contents creating errors when disabled on the server, on the site Forums:
Hello, Would it be possible to remove the use of file… -
Posted a reply to Graph requests slowing down website, on the site Forums:
Looking into this further are the FB pixel events added via the inline javascript in… -
Posted a reply to Graph requests slowing down website, on the site Forums:
@johndcoy this isn't a bug but a feature to send event tracking to Facebook