@animatepress on
- Member Since: May 23rd, 2024
- Website:
Contribution History
animatepress’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3176851] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [3176835] to Plugins SVN:
Fixbug after update -
Committed [3176800] to Plugins SVN:
Clean dashboard for better lisibility and add 3 free loaders -
Committed [3176791] to Plugins SVN:
Clean dashboard for better lisibility and add 3 free loaders -
Committed [3170301] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [3170294] to Plugins SVN:
change readme -
Committed [3157152] to Plugins SVN:
Tag: Version 1.0.2 -
Committed [3157150] to Plugins SVN:
Minor update and check compatibility -
Committed [3122461] to Plugins SVN:
Update version and tags -
Committed [3122448] to Plugins SVN:
update version & tags -
Committed [3118158] to Plugins SVN:
Minor updates -
Committed [3118156] to Plugins SVN:
Minor updates -
Committed [3118149] to Plugins SVN:
Fix settings links -
Committed [3118145] to Plugins SVN:
update HDPI banner -
Committed [3118142] to Plugins SVN:
Add assets -
Committed [3118115] to Plugins SVN:
Tag : Version 1.0.0 -
Committed [3118114] to Plugins SVN:
First release 1.0.0
AnimatePress Free
Active Installs: 20+