Andi Dittrich
@andi-dittrich on
- Member Since: July 9th, 2010
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Contribution History
Andi Dittrich’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Abandoned or alive?, on the site Forums:
still active and maintained. -
Posted a reply to Can’t find code-insert icon, on the site Forums:
did you enabled the frontend integration ? see for details -
Posted a reply to Plugin is not working, on the site Forums:
this is the Enlighter support forums, nothing related to any mega menu -
Posted a reply to Powershell Syntax Highlighting, on the site Forums:
same file, copy the keyword regex or customize it -
Posted a reply to Powershell Syntax Highlighting, on the site Forums:
it's the correct file. just add your custom regex rules and run the build script.… -
Posted a reply to Vertical Scroll, on the site Forums:
there is no public release available atm. some features are still missing -
Posted a reply to Vertical Scroll, on the site Forums:
the collapse feature is available for EnlighterJS but no configurable in the community edition of… -
Posted a reply to Rounded Corners, on the site Forums:
The "Customizer" is just a easy way to start your customization. Advanced settings should be… -
Posted a reply to adjust color inside of, on the site Forums:
it's not possible by css have to modify the language support file and add… -
Posted a reply to Is there a way to set a monospaced font, on the site Forums:
Hi, just create a custom theme and modify the font-family: The base font of… -
Posted a reply to Import settings, on the site Forums:
you can simply export/import the settings directly from the database (enlighter* prefix) and click "save… -
Posted a reply to Line breaks gone after new KB was installed (BetterDocs), on the site Forums:
it's not an Enlighter issue... the whole html is messed up (doesn't contain whitespaces). you… -
Posted a reply to Set Border Radius, on the site Forums:
directly via css. use the dom inspector of chrome/firefox to identify the related classes -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
technically possible but this would require a lot of infrastructure and quite expensive enterprise subscriptions -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
a compiler ? that doesn't make any sense? could you provide more details ? -
Posted a reply to Make syntax, on the site Forums:
not yet supported by EnlighterJS but i've added basic language support to v3.7.0 right now… -
Posted a reply to Crayon pre error, on the site Forums:
did you checked the troubleshooting guide ?the current version changed the filters which are used… -
Posted a reply to how to fix this overflow?, on the site Forums:
looks like an issue with your theme (third party). some css rules are overriding the… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
take a look into the enlighter-collapse class. i didn't have time to provide custom solutions… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
it's not possible via the CE version of WordPress Enlighter plugin. it can be set… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
the "code" is javascript and wont work as css... the wordpress plugin takes care of… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
you should really take a look into related topics :P -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
horizontal: (via wp options) vertical: (via custom css) -
Posted a reply to Does the Enlighter v4 plugin not support the use of extended language packs?, on the site Forums:
as long as the option is enabled, the files should be loaded: since v4… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
just read the docs ;) regarding mobile optimization: in this case you should create a… -
Posted a reply to Multiple Programming Languages In a Single Editor, on the site Forums:
The feature is already available since the initial EnlighterJS versions. It's called "codegroup" - the… -
Posted a reply to Inline backtics code without moving to a new line, on the site Forums:
should be fixed in v4.6.1 -
Committed [2852056] to Plugins SVN:
stable tag v4.6.1 -
Committed [2852055] to Plugins SVN:
stable tag v4.6.1 -
Committed [2852054] to Plugins SVN:
release v4.6.1 -
Posted a reply to Inline backtics code without moving to a new line, on the site Forums:
thanks for your reports! it's a side effect of a required bugfix regarding the wpautop… -
Posted a reply to Codegroup open by default in sidebar, on the site Forums:
Within the Gutenberg editor plugin ? Not possible via options - you have to change… -
Posted a reply to Highlight the htaccess code, on the site Forums:
an alias has been added to the language list in v4.6.0 -
Committed [2848685] to Plugins SVN:
stable tag 4.6.0 -
Committed [2848684] to Plugins SVN:
v4.6.0 -
Posted a reply to Highlight the htaccess code, on the site Forums:
htaccess is just a limited Apache HTTPd conf file - therefore use "Apache httpd" -
Posted a reply to Does this plugin work on Seamonkey?, on the site Forums:
EnlighterJS is a post syntax highlighter for the frontend, not an IDE nor visual syntax… -
Posted a reply to Enlighter working only in preview mode, on the site Forums:
Autoptimize is breaking the EnlighterJS frontend javascript: - you can exclude EnlighterJS resources form being… -
Posted a reply to Please add this option to the plugin., on the site Forums:
you can add it manually to your WordPress themes css or create a custom EnlighterJS… -
Posted a reply to Set default language, on the site Forums:
Technically you can re-order the language list to set your favourite languages on top of… -
Posted a reply to How to remove extra space on start lines with EnlighterJS, on the site Forums:
use the DOM inspector of Firefox or Chrome -
Posted a reply to Cut off text on long lines – EnlighterJS, on the site Forums:
the EnlighterJS theme looks weird... i would assume it's caused by your themes css. did… -
Posted a reply to How to remove extra space on start lines with EnlighterJS, on the site Forums:
Hi @bhbmaster 1. it looks like padding/text-indent - jsut take a look into the generated… -
Posted a reply to capitalize the first letter, on the site Forums:
you've a text-transform: capitalize set within your body css - nothing related to Enlighter -
Posted a reply to Enlighter background color, on the site Forums:
It depends on the theme, sometimes the line backgrounds are set which need to removed… -
Posted a reply to Please tell me how to change the tab width, on the site Forums:
you can try to adjust the tab-width with css (supported in modern browsers). but generally… -
Posted a reply to Please tell me how to change the tab width, on the site Forums:
set "Code Indentation" to "2 spaces" - this will replace each tab with 2 spaces -
Posted a reply to Where are the themes?, on the site Forums:
The customizer should technically work as expected - but it's not intended for "full" customization.… -
Posted a reply to Problems with Enlighter and WPBakery, on the site Forums:
Hi @rikoreents , the EnlighterJS TinyMCE Plugin is a standalone component and cannot confirm any… -
Committed [2720126] to Plugins SVN:
stable tag 4.5.0
Cryptex | E-Mail Address Protection
Active Installs: 1,000+
Enlighter - Customizable Syntax Highlighter
Active Installs: 10,000+
Tweakr - Utility Toolkit
Active Installs: 30+