Alex Westergaard
@alexwestergaard on
- Member Since: April 23rd, 2014
Contribution History
Alex Westergaard’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [902940] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0.0 -
Committed [902939] to Plugins SVN:
Removes unecessary code -
Committed [902938] to Plugins SVN:
Removes unnecessary CSS -
Committed [902937] to Plugins SVN:
Removing Custom CSS. -
Committed [902930] to Plugins SVN:
Error URI -
Committed [902927] to Plugins SVN:
fixing -
Committed [902926] to Plugins SVN:
Fail -
Committed [902792] to Plugins SVN:
Release -
Committed [902791] to Plugins SVN:
First Live Version -
Committed [902788] to Plugins SVN:
First Complete Version
JetPack Non-Admin Removal
Active Installs: 20+