Alex Moise
@alexmoise on
- Member Since: June 3rd, 2017
Contribution History
Alex Moise’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2925873] to Plugins SVN:
Tested to work on WP 6.2.2 -
Posted a reply to Resetting comment field in code, on the site Forums:
Welcome @janew, happy to know it worked! Yeah, it will become a bit easier with… -
Posted a reply to Resetting comment field in code, on the site Forums:
Hi @janew , we're going to do it the other way around, basically saying "if… -
Posted a reply to Change “Comments” form (bis), on the site Forums:
Hi @janew , that could be easily done by adding an IF in the mo_remove_default_comment_field()… -
Posted a reply to Intermediary services plugin, on the site Forums:
Welcome Miguel! Have fun! -
Posted a reply to Intermediary services plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi @mgo3, that would be possible with a Marketplace plugin, sometimes called Multi Vendor. Woocommerce… -
Posted a reply to Change “Comments” form (bis), on the site Forums:
Hi @bdorat, the result of that code depends on the theme CSS, Could you post… -
Posted a reply to Customizing the Product reviews in Product pages, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpguillaume, planning is done, only need to find the time to write the code,… -
Posted a reply to Customizing the Product reviews in Product pages, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpguillaume, sorry for delay, you mean the text "Your review is awaiting approval" that… -
Posted a reply to Customizing the Product reviews in Product pages, on the site Forums:
You're welcome & thanks for feedback! :-) Now, making the Name required would need that… -
Posted a reply to Customizing the Product reviews in Product pages, on the site Forums:
Hi @wpguillaume, problem is not the theme, is that the plugin wasn't initially made with… -
Committed [2227835] to Plugins SVN:
Tested to work on WP 5.3.2 -
Posted a reply to Photo club website: user galleries?, on the site Forums:
Hi Damien, glad to hear that! The UI can be easily styled because it's in… -
Posted a reply to Photo club website: user galleries?, on the site Forums:
Hi Damien, That is definitely possible, with a trick :-) I did it already some… -
Committed [1997564] to Plugins SVN:
Compatibility update -
Posted a reply to how do i fix my child theme?, on the site Forums:
Hi Kanger, First thing coming to my mind is how did you disabled the child… -
Posted a reply to SSL in subdomain, on the site Forums:
Hi @iamkingsleyf You would need a wildcard certificate for that to work. A wildcard certificate… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Hi Sam, Please add the following code in the functions.php file of your child theme… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Hi TallSam, I updated the plugin and now, if you enable the option named "Disable… -
Posted a reply to If post is made by user role then stick his post, on the site Forums:
Hi Tri, that's simple: please add the following function in functions.php file of your child… -
Posted a reply to How do you correct Social Media share information (plugin or code)?, on the site Forums:
Then you could go with It removes the site title part of titles by… -
Posted a reply to Hide WordPress users, on the site Forums:
Hi Rolf, thanks for coming back with a solution, I understand the need to quickly… -
Posted a reply to Hide WordPress users, on the site Forums:
Ahh, about the GDPR ... I guess first technical solutions will start to show up… -
Posted a reply to Hide WordPress users, on the site Forums:
Welcome Rolf, With such a vast array of situations where Wordpress could be used it's… -
Posted a reply to Hide WordPress users, on the site Forums:
Hi Rolf, It seems that somebody (a bot?) managed to enumerate the usernames and tried… -
Posted a reply to Change “Comments” form., on the site Forums:
Welcome, There are a number of ways to customize that text, The easiest way would… -
Posted a reply to Change “Comments” form., on the site Forums:
Hi delifort, that would be easy, please add this code in the "functions.php" file in… -
Posted a reply to How do you correct Social Media share information (plugin or code)?, on the site Forums:
Hi ordresser, I'd give this plugin a try: Sewn In Simple Social Optimization It's neat… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Welcome TallSam, I'm glad I could help, In the meantime I completed the plugin with… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Welcome! Updated it, no cookie beyond this point :-) It might be necessary to delete… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Regarding the comment cookie: it's used to store the comment author details, so these stay… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Ahh, that is correct :-) I updated the plugin now, added a function that empties… -
Posted a reply to Image File Name Shortened (Truncated) by WordPress, on the site Forums:
Hi, just uploaded an image file named literally: now-thats-a-really-really-really-really-really-long-file-name-for-an-image-file-to-try-to-upload-it-in-wordpress-media-manager-using-standard-functions.png Seems to be fine in Media… -
Posted a reply to Switch columns on mobile, on the site Forums:
Hi, I guess you could apply display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; to the parent div of… -
Posted a reply to Hide email and website fields for comments?, on the site Forums:
Hi TallSam, Indeed there are a bunch of functions to achieve what you asked for,… -
Posted a reply to Get all IDs of subcategories, on the site Forums:
Hi, Arrays with subcategories are actually WP_Term objects and you could iterate through these with… -
Posted a reply to Is there any way to hide my search button on the site? (and more), on the site Forums:
Thanks for your kind words Charles :-) The small red text showing in place of… -
Posted a reply to Is there any way to hide my search button on the site? (and more), on the site Forums:
Ahh, and about hiding the title - you could use this code, also in Additional… -
Posted a reply to Is there any way to hide my search button on the site? (and more), on the site Forums:
Hi Charles, Limiting search to only "posts" is a matter of adding the following code… -
Committed [1824955] to Plugins SVN:
Changelog update -
Committed [1824954] to Plugins SVN:
Correcting a substring offset problem with Twitter substring extraction -
Committed [1824953] to Plugins SVN:
Removing the ugly-looking SVG icon -
Committed [1774442] to Plugins SVN:
New icon set -
Committed [1774111] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release to -
Posted a reply to Make selection mandatory, is it possible?, on the site Forums:
That is correct, however it changes the way the form works by allowing it to… -
Created a topic, Make selection mandatory, is it possible?, on the site Forums:
Greetings and thanks for the nice option this plugin p… -
Created a topic, Back end list mobile friendly, on the site Forums:
Hi and thanks for your work on this plugin :-) I noti…
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