
  • Member Since: June 15th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Site map con Yoast SEO no tiene acceso los bots, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola a todos, tengo el sitemap creado con Yoast SEO…

  • Created a topic, The plugin does not work on portfolio pages, on the site Forums:
    HI, one question, Currently the plugin doesn't w…

  • Created a topic, disappointed, on the site Forums:
    HI, the plugin does not work with portfolio pag…

  • Posted a reply to El «Top Primary Menu» se desconfigura, on the site Foros de soporte:

  • Posted a reply to El «Top Primary Menu» se desconfigura, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Vale Jose, gracias Saludos, Alejandro

  • Created a topic, El «Top Primary Menu» se desconfigura, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola a todos, tengo un sitio web bilingüe, español / …

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to create a sitemap branch with videos from the web?, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to create a sitemap branch with videos from the web?, on the site Forums:
    Ok...many thanks

  • Posted a reply to Plugin module does not appear on portfolio pages, on the site Forums:
    Sorry the pages of the portfolio are:

  • Created a topic, Plugin module does not appear on portfolio pages, on the site Forums:
    I’m trying to solve the problem that the plugin module…

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to create a sitemap branch with videos from the web?, on the site Forums:
    I'm trying to solve the problem that the plugin module does not appear in the…

  • Created a topic, Is there a way to create a sitemap branch with videos from the web?, on the site Forums:
    There are a way to create a sitemap branch with videos…

  • Posted a reply to Import redirects, on the site Forums:
    oK thanks John!

  • Created a topic, Import redirects, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'm thinking of importing the redirects from m…

  • Posted a reply to Eliminar paginaciones del portafolio de Las SERPs, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Ok @jose64 lo bloqueare como dices.... respecto a como se han creado no tengo ni…

  • Posted a reply to Eliminar paginaciones del portafolio de Las SERPs, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola @jose64 P Que código pongo? Disallow: /productos/page/2/ Por que si pongo esto, también desaparecerá…

  • Created a topic, Eliminar paginaciones del portafolio de Las SERPs, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenos días a todos, hay una páginas que se crean sol…

  • Created a topic, The first image of the slider, appears large white space below, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I don’t know if it was due to an wordpress or p…

  • Posted a reply to My Contact Form have a lines between the fields to fill, on the site Forums:
    FINALY i USE THIS CODE AND WORK WELL: <label> Nombre (requerido) [text* your-name] </label> <label>…

  • Posted a reply to My Contact Form have a lines between the fields to fill, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @raitan12 How can I put table {border: none;} in HTML format? Thanks in advance

  • Created a topic, My Contact Form have a lines between the fields to fill, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, It has lines between the fields to fill …

  • Created a topic, My Contact Form have a lines between the fields to fill, on the site Forums:
    Hi everyone, It has lines between the fields to fill …

  • Posted a reply to ( Sitemap.html ) Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’, on the site Forums:
    shahriarsaikat (@shahriarsaikat) 2 days, 3 hours ago Hei, No worries, here is your solution. 1.…

  • Created a topic, Very practical, on the site Forums:
    Very practical

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Ya he dado con el problema en el plugin YOAST tenia la opción de: URLs…

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    lo he puesto y sigue pasando lo mimo NO entiendo nada, nunca me había…

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    y que hay que poner?¿

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Ahhhh1 esta vacío

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Nombre de la entrada

  • Posted a reply to categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola @almendron la página es: la categoria que he asignado es: diseño web barcelona…

  • Posted a reply to How can I active the uploads and optimization for Webp images?, on the site Forums:
    Ahhh ok Many thanks

  • Created a topic, How can I active the uploads and optimization for Webp images?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I installed the plugin, but the Webp optimizat…

  • Created a topic, categorias, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola, estoy haciendo una web con Gutenberg, y cuando …

  • Posted a reply to NO puedo eliminar el padding en BOX, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Increible....funciona!!!!! muchas gracias @almendron

  • Created a topic, NO puedo eliminar el padding en BOX, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenos días, estoy trabajando con WPBakery Page Build…

  • Posted a reply to Como puedo actualizar las fechas de las páginas automaticamente, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Muchas gracias Jose Luis!

  • Posted a reply to Como puedo actualizar las fechas de las páginas automaticamente, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias Jose Luis, y tu sabes que es lo que hay que actualizar de cara…

  • Posted a reply to Se me crean URL dinamicas de forma automatica, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias Fernando, lo he probado pero o he encontrado la manera de resolverlo, Saludos,

  • Created a topic, Se me crean URL dinamicas de forma automatica, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola a todos, Hay algunas páginas de portafolios que …

  • Created a topic, Como puedo actualizar las fechas de las páginas automaticamente, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Hola a todos, estoy buscando una manera para actualiza…

  • Posted a reply to The plugin tells me that there are 2, on the site Forums:
    ok, I'm doing. Many thanks!

  • Posted a reply to I need to use this plugin with “Fusion builder”, on the site Forums:
    Hi Gordon, but the problem is when I create with TinyMCE the FAQ's don't appear…

  • Created a topic, I need to use this plugin with “Fusion builder”, on the site Forums:
    I need to use the plugin "Structured Content" but it i…

  • Posted a reply to The plugin tells me that there are 2, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Devnihil, I don't make these h1, maybe they are formed when I put an…

  • Created a topic, The plugin tells me that there are 2, on the site Forums:
    Hi every body, SEO analysis give me the error that the…

  • Created a topic, The table appears below where it should appear, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have the plugin well configured because in the E…

  • Posted a reply to Image Carousel It’s giving errors on all pages with LITESPEED, on the site Forums:
    Hi stanley@litespeed The first option work...."attachment-full" to Lazy Load Image Class Name Excludes many thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Image Carousel It’s giving errors on all pages with LITESPEED, on the site Forums:
    Hi stanley@litespeed, When I posted the post there was a space of about 700px, but…

  • Posted a reply to Image Carousel It’s giving error with SMUSH activate, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Anton, LAZY LOAD is not activate in SMUSH. Any other idea?.

  • Created a topic, Image Carousel It’s giving error with SMUSH activate, on the site Forums:
    Hi everybody, Every time I activate SMUSH plugin, thi…