@alama32 on
- Member Since: January 2nd, 2010
Contribution History
alama32’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created ticket #62145 on Core Trac:
Ajout natif de catégories pour la médiathèque -
Created a topic, Super plugin très complet, on the site Forums:
Je l'aime bien, ne fus ce que pour l'apport des catégo… -
Posted a reply to Comment s’en sert-on ?, on the site Forums:
@kubiq, ok, thanks! this plugin is not for me :-) -
Posted a reply to Comment s’en sert-on ?, on the site Forums:
Hello everyone, what is this plugin? I don't understand how to use it! I have… -
Created a topic, Comment on s’en sert, on the site Forums:
Bonjour à tous, c''est quoi ce plugin? je ne comprend … -
Created a topic, Très pratique mais pourrait être mieux, on the site Forums:
Il est pratique et fonctionne bien, cependant il lui m… -
Created a topic, You need ImageMagick or GDlib with AVIF support, on the site Forums:
Your plugin says: "Your webhosting does not support AV… -
Created a topic, Très bien, mais perfectible, on the site Forums:
Fast translation, but not always well adapted, for exa… -
Created a topic, Work fine, on the site Forums:
Anti Spam seems working fine. -
Created a topic, Not realy bad, but.., on the site Forums:
The translation work fine, but the switcher element do… -
Created a topic, The switch is verry bad, on the site Forums:
The switch is verry bad -
Created a topic, Does not work well, on the site Forums:
the Flags are not aligned and the CSS for remove text … -
Created a topic, Presque bien.., on the site Forums:
Il traduit à la volée, je pense, il ne traduit pas tou… -
Created a topic, Size limit, php unlock code don’t work, on the site Forums:
The code for config.php don't work ! Dont Pay for thi… -
Created a topic, Simple et efficace, on the site Forums:
Simple et efficace permet la création de répertoires e… -
Created a topic, Bon’t work with wp 5.9, on the site Forums:
Doesn't work well with wordpress 5.9, where anyway sho… -
Created a topic, work fine and simple of usage, on the site Forums:
work fine and simple of usage, it's a shame for not AV… -
Created a topic, very problèms with cf7, on the site Forums:
Hello, the font is fat, I can't change it! font-weight… -
Created a topic, dont’send message, on the site Forums:
This contact form don't send nothing. -
Created a topic, rotten plugin.., on the site Forums:
It is buggy, when you place an image as an icon, regar… -
Posted a reply to Visual Composer feedback, on the site Forums:
ok, sorry.. :) -
Created a topic, How to use my icons, on the site Forums:
Hello, I would like to be able to use my own icons or … -
Created a topic, Good for Asgaros, on the site Forums:
Extend asgaros properties, nice plugin -
Created a topic, On track to become the best tool for WordPress !!, on the site Forums:
Since I discovered VisualComposer, I only want to use … -
Created a topic, My feedback for this moment, on the site Forums:
Hello V.C. Team, For the moment I am still studying it… -
Created a topic, How to use with Visual Composer ?, on the site Forums:
Hello everyone, all is in the title.. how to use pasta… -
Created a topic, To eat and drink.., on the site Forums:
He is good looking and nice, but he lacks a lot of thi… -
Created a topic, Super pratique, je recommande !, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this great plugin, even with custom menu… -
Created a topic, N’apparait plus dans mes blocs gutenberg !!??, on the site Forums:
Bonjour, l'icone panacode n'apparaît plus dans mes blo… -
Created a topic, Warning – Avertissement, on the site Forums:
Warning: The "continue" targeting switch is equivalent… -
Posted a reply to How switch Menu when user is connected ?, on the site Forums:
OK, i found, it's accessible in each menu item lol -
Created a topic, How switch Menu when user is connected ?, on the site Forums:
Hello everyone, I have a menu called "unconnected" whi… -
Created a topic, Logo point to WordPress website !! :(, on the site Forums:
My new logo dont point to my Home page or other!! it'b…