@aidantcasey on
- Member Since: March 24th, 2013
Contribution History
aidantcasey’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Wp-Bible Embed Features, on the site Forums:
Chris, Thanks for your preview request, I apologize it took us so long to respond.… -
Posted a reply to Wp-Bible Embed Features, on the site Support:
Chris, I can't promise the separate drop downs will b… -
Committed [1266141] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [1266139] to Plugins SVN:
Fixing invalid headers. -
Committed [1266137] to Plugins SVN:
Fix the invalid headers. -
Committed [1266135] to Plugins SVN:
Debug invalid headers -
Committed [1128963] to Plugins SVN:
== Cleanup 2.1 == -
Committed [1128961] to Plugins SVN:
taggin version 2.1 -
Committed [1128960] to Plugins SVN:
== cleanup 2.1 = -
Committed [1128958] to Plugins SVN:
update 2.1 == cleanup == -
Committed [1128956] to Plugins SVN:
Update 2.1 -
Committed [1128936] to Plugins SVN:
Header update -
Committed [1085955] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [1085954] to Plugins SVN:
Fixing bugs with readme.txt -
Committed [1085939] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed slashes -
Committed [1085934] to Plugins SVN:
taggin version 2.0 -
Committed [1085929] to Plugins SVN:
Update to fix plugin bugs. -
Committed [724474] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [724472] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [724470] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [724468] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [724467] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug. -
Committed [724464] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug. -
Committed [724462] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [724181] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [724179] to Plugins SVN:
update bug -
Committed [724177] to Plugins SVN:
Update bug -
Committed [724028] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [724025] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [724022] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [724013] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed problem. -
Committed [719555] to Plugins SVN:
Update -
Committed [719547] to Plugins SVN:
Removed pdf -
Committed [719543] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version compatibility -
Committed [719524] to Plugins SVN:
Tag for version 0.1 -
Committed [719523] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme.txt -
Committed [719517] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bugs
WP-Bible Embed
Active Installs: 70+