Diego Betto
@agm65 on WordPress.org, @diegobetto on Slack
- Member Since: June 7th, 2010
- Location: Udine, Italy
- Website: diegobetto.com
- Job Title: Cofounder & web developer
- Employer: Papion srls
Contribution History
Diego Betto’s badges:- Meetup Organizer
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Disable post title escaping, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Oh, nice trick @bcworkz, thank you! -
Posted a reply to Disable post title escaping, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Admin/Super Admin with Gutenberg. It should be unfiltered, but it's saved escaped to db. -
Created a topic, Disable post title escaping, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, It appears that WordPress escapes post titles … -
Posted a reply to Undefined offset: 0, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sure, done -
Posted a reply to Update 3.1.4 causes error if role doesn’t exist, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
maybe better use this? $editorRole = get_role( 'editor' ); if ($editorRole) { $editorRole->add_cap( 'xxxxxx' );… -
Created a topic, Undefined offset: 0, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
There are errors in logs now. Undefined offset: 0 {… -
Posted a reply to WordFence Flagged Critical Security Issue – Removed from WordPress, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It seems related to security issueshttps://wpscan.com/plugin/intuitive-custom-post-order -
Posted a reply to WordFence Flagged Critical Security Issue – Removed from WordPress, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Same here, more than anything I would like to know if it has been removed… -
Posted a reply to Why is this plugin dropped from the plugin repo?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi mandsconsulting, thank you for your reply. Which kind of issue? Security? Should be disabled… -
Created a topic, CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, it seems there is a bug when - woocommerce-condit… -
Posted a reply to URGENT: Sites automatically updating to Alpha version 5.5.3-alpha-49449, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
my 2 cents: may be that this happen only on english versions? On "it" versions… -
Posted a reply to Anche se elimino la cache, i contenuti del sito non risultano aggiornati, on the site Forum Italiano:
Personalmente tendo ad abilitare sempre i flag che disabilitano la cache per gli utenti connessi.… -
Posted a reply to Anche se elimino la cache, i contenuti del sito non risultano aggiornati, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao fos92, sembra da quanto descrivi che sia un problema di cache. Ovviamente non Γ¨… -
Posted a reply to Bug: infinite loading images in backend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Maybe link has a timeout. It seems that in your dashboard you load in image… -
Created a topic, Bug: infinite loading images in backend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Something strange, it keeps loading 3-4 images per sec… -
Created a topic, Annoing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Annoing notification that you can close but it doesn't… -
Posted a reply to how to exclude?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Just add loading="eager" to images that you want to keep with normal browser behavior https://github.com/WordPress/wp-lazy-loading/pull/4#issuecomment-576009944 -
Wrote a comment on the post Updating the Minimum PHP Version, on the site Make WordPress Core:
While waiting December 2019, is there any notification of the incoming new requirements? It can… -
Wrote a comment on the post Updating the Minimum PHP Version, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I agree, as you can see http://php.net/supported-versions.php 5.6 version could become insecure in little time… -
Posted a reply to Plugin per upload e resize immagini, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao arminbb, quello che chiedi Γ¨ qualcosa di abbastanza custom, ti consiglierei di rivolgerti ad… -
Posted a reply to Problema con impostazione permalink, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao tizianafr, verifica che i contenuti del file .htaccess siano corretti, nello specifico verifica che… -
Posted a reply to Anteprima link sezione news, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao fabgan, quello che chiedi Γ¨ una plugin che ti permetta la preview di un… -
Posted a reply to Sincronizza cartelle pc ->web + accesso area solo lettura con admin e passw, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao reggio, esistono molte plugin ognuna piΓΉ o meno adatta agli scopi, in base a… -
Posted a reply to No aggiornamento plug-in, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao Paolo, un po' difficile con cosΓ¬ poche informazioni, verifica comunque i permessi con il… -
Posted a reply to Che Plugin Γ¨?, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao drintro, se posso, non Γ¨ una domanda per un forum di WordPress. Un po'… -
Posted a reply to HTTP ERROR 500 – La pagina non funziona, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao mozza85 dato che il problema Γ¨ legato a divi builder e hosting i posti… -
Posted a reply to HTTP ERROR 500 – La pagina non funziona, on the site Forum Italiano:
ok sembra che divi-builder usi molta RAM. Prova aggiungere (o modificare se giΓ presenti) in… -
Posted a reply to contact form 7 – submit ed invio dati ad un altro sito, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao, si Γ¨ fattibile. Puoi utilizzare gli hook di Contact Form 7 per eseguire del… -
Posted a reply to importare le img dal web attraver il codeice ean13, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ottimo, e sappiamo che Γ¨ una immagine. Ma l'immagine Γ¨ relativa al prodotto o al… -
Posted a reply to importare le img dal web attraver il codeice ean13, on the site Forum Italiano:
Quindi intendi prelevare l'immagine del prodotto? -
Posted a reply to importare le img dal web attraver il codeice ean13, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao, dai un occhio ad esempio a https://barcode.tec-it.com/it/EAN13?data=3760116321327 trovi indicato come utilizzarlo, licenze e i… -
Posted a reply to HTTP ERROR 500 – La pagina non funziona, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao, dovresti provare a verificare i vari punti che ti vengono segnalati. Ad esempio: -… -
Posted a reply to importare le img dal web attraver il codeice ean13, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ciao, se l'immagine da prelevare dal web per te Γ¨ l'immagine del barcode, si ce… -
Wrote a comment on the post Documenting Gutenberg Blank Screen Reports, on the site Make WordPress Support:
May I suggest to the users who are experiencing this problem to disable the cache… -
Created a topic, Empty editor with Gutenberg/ WP 5, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, when combined with Gutenberg and WP 5.0-alpha-433… -
Created a topic, Headers already sent: avoid empty lines after PHP closing tags, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Please remove empty lines after PHP closing tags (chec… -
Posted a reply to how to exclude file name from caching, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
that is => "You can exclude in advanced options" please use English :) -
Posted a reply to Wrong inline script detection and replacement, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This happens only with Experimental parser -
Created a topic, Wrong inline script detection and replacement, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The plugin is not detecting correctly inline scripts (… -
Posted a reply to Messaggi di alert su Contact Form 7, on the site Forum Italiano:
Salve, se intendi i messaggi di validazione (esempio se manca la "@" nel campo email)… -
Posted a reply to usare data base immobiliare esistente, on the site Forum Italiano:
Salve, questo dipende molto dalla forma dei dati di partenza, che relazioni hanno tra di… -
Created a topic, SEO impact, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, seems that content generated by the plugin is ind… -
Wrote a comment on the post GDPR Compliance Agenda: February 14, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Correct, my fault :) -
Wrote a comment on the post GDPR Compliance Agenda: February 14, on the site Make WordPress Core:
And for the profile pictures not coming from Gravatar service? We should manage them like… -
Wrote a comment on the post GDPR Compliance Agenda: February 14, on the site Make WordPress Core:
my concern is about Gravatar/profile pictures and GDPR -
Posted a reply to Getting count of comments after filtered query?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, from the code seems get_comments_number() is not using your action. Can you try use… -
Posted a reply to Subcategory thumbnails within parent category, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, check <img src="<?php echo z_taxonomy_image_url($cat->term_id); ?>" /> should be `term_id); ?>" /> Regards -
Posted a reply to Problem with bootstrap nav toggle, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, can you better explain "But it doesenβt work good" ? -
Posted a reply to modifica blocchi menu, on the site Forum Italiano:
Salve, potrebbe essere che di default il tema stia utilizzando le pagine senza un ordine…
Media Checkerboard
Active Installs: 10+
Papion Ajax Registration Form Validation
Active Installs: Less than 10
ACF Fold Flexible Content
ACF qTranslate
ACF Repeater Editor Accordion
ACF Theme Code for Advanced Custom Fields
ACF Woocommerce Account Fields
ACF: Focal Point
Admin Command Palette
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Advanced Custom Fields - Contact Form 7 Field
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Excerpt
AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
All-In-One Security (AIOS) β Security and Firewall
Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall
BackWPup β WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin
BJ Lazy Load
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Breadcrumb NavXT
Categories Images
Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Custom Login Page Customizer - Login Designer
Debug Bar
Debug Bar Actions and Filters Addon
Debug Bar Console
Debug This
Delete Me
Disable Google Fonts
Duplicator - Migration & Backup Plugin
Easy Invitation Codes
Easy Watermark
Ecwid by Lightspeed Ecommerce Shopping Cart
EWWW Image Optimizer
Exploit Scanner
GDPR Data Request Form
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Hyper Cache
InfiniteWP Client
Intuitive Custom Post Order
JAMP Notes (Just Another Memo Plugin)
Loco Translate
Media Checkerboard
Media Cleaner: Clean your WordPress!
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Post Duplicator
Post Type Archive Link
Prevent Concurrent Logins
PublishPress Capabilities - User Role Editor, Access Permissions, Admin Menus
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Really Simple CAPTCHA
Recent Posts Widget Extended
Safe Redirect Manager
Security Headers
Smush Image Optimization β Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
Timed Content
Ultimate Member β User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin
User Role Editor
User Submitted Posts β Enable Users to Submit Posts from the Front End
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Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
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WP Activity Log
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WP Super Cache
WP User Manager - User Profile Builder & Membership
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Yoast Duplicate Post
Yoast SEO