

I have always been passionate about Web, App and all the ideas that use the web as a base. I have always been a pioneer of sharing and awareness of knowledge. I like to create and give life to ideas, even the most absurd. Throughout my life I approach many human languages ​​and machines. I come from the economic sector which I consider to be akin to the IT sector.

WordPress Origin Story

I state that, at an early age, I have always been a CMS user, both for convenience and for not studying a programming language. When I started my first business idea, I needed a website with features that didn’t exist on the market and I decided to create them myself. From this experience was born the love for wordpress.

  • Member Since: September 19th, 2019
  • Location: Php developer
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Capo
  • Find me on:

Completed Courses

Total completed courses: 1

  • Converting a Shortcode to a Block* May 12, 2023
  • *Course is no longer available.