@adrianboston on
- Member Since: December 23rd, 2009
Contribution History
adrianboston’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [542061] to Plugins SVN:
street cred -
Committed [542053] to Plugins SVN:
change readmet -
Committed [542039] to Plugins SVN:
added a allowPromo -
Committed [541769] to Plugins SVN:
more info -
Committed [541766] to Plugins SVN:
deleted preview file -
Committed [541764] to Plugins SVN:
Changed isdebug default to off -
Committed [541753] to Plugins SVN:
Changed long description -
Committed [541752] to Plugins SVN:
Changed short description again -
Committed [541749] to Plugins SVN:
Changed short description -
Committed [541747] to Plugins SVN:
Changed FAQ -
Committed [541746] to Plugins SVN:
Changed description -
Committed [541744] to Plugins SVN:
Added tags -
Committed [541743] to Plugins SVN:
Added GPL and description in readme.txt -
Committed [541736] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
Klix Image DimSum
Active Installs: 10+