Adam DeHaven
@adamdehaven on
- Member Since: October 7th, 2010
- Location: Louisville, KY
- Website:
- Job Title: User Experience Designer & Developer
Posted a reply to Reduce white space below Pullquote?, on the site Forums:
I can take a closer look this afternoon. For now, you could add a CSS… -
Posted a reply to Reduce white space below Pullquote?, on the site Forums:
It looks like you actually just have a blank paragraph inserted after the quote on… -
Posted a reply to Color gradient for vertical bar?, on the site Forums:
Linear gradients are not technically possible as a border color option; however, what you're wanting… -
Committed [2377467] to Plugins SVN:
Updating WordPress tested version to 5.5.1 -
Posted a reply to Can we have an update or validation with latest WP5.5?, on the site Forums:
@swissspaceboy I have tested the plugin with WordPress 5.5.1, and everything looks good. I have… -
Committed [2377446] to Plugins SVN:
Updating link URL -
Committed [2377444] to Plugins SVN:
Tested for WordPress v5.5.1 -
Posted a reply to Can we have an update or validation with latest WP5.5?, on the site Forums:
Don’t be scared - live on the edge :) I don’t actively use WordPress myself… -
Posted a reply to Can we have an update or validation with latest WP5.5?, on the site Forums:
Why does it need to be updated? If its installed in your site and working… -
Posted a reply to Not working paragrahs, on the site Forums:
Nothing has changed with the plug-in, so if I had to guess, it's because you… -
Posted a reply to Can Pullquotes be made Mobile Friendly?, on the site Forums:
Your theme has a style that is causing the issue. Just add the following CSS… -
Posted a reply to Very good. 1 suggestion, on the site Forums:
There are media queries in place. Most themes conflict, and all themes are different, so… -
Posted a reply to Proper Pullquote semantics with Aside, on the site Forums:
I think you'd be well served by learning how to code rather than shit-posting on… -
Posted a reply to Proper Pullquote semantics with Aside, on the site Forums:
Hey, thanks for your feedback. I see where you're coming from, however, according [the specs](… -
Committed [1896156] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WordPress 4.9.6 -
Posted a reply to easy to use–but doesn’t work with the Extra theme, on the site Forums:
If your theme is already styling pullquotes in a way you prefer, just don't install… -
Posted a reply to Default Settings, on the site Forums:
In order to globally override the default border color, just add the CSS snippet below… -
Committed [1804563] to Plugins SVN:
Updated WordPress version -
Committed [1799075] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes bug where border appears on wrong side of pullquote. -
Posted a reply to Color change for quotes, on the site Forums:
If you're wanting to change the bar color, use the color attribute on the shortcode.… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
If you have any issues, just start a new thread and I'll be glad to… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
To wrap up this thread, considering the plug-in is essentially CSS, it should be compatible… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
To wrap up this thread, considering the plug-in is essentially CASE, it should be compatible… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
Go home kid, you're drunk. I'll explain this one last time. It's not, "my job,"… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
You obviously don't understand how WordPress, or "the business of making code," works. I gave… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
How would I have any idea if it works with your theme? Just install the… -
Posted a reply to Divi Comparability, on the site Forums:
All themes are different, therefore I can't assure the compatibility of the plugin. Simply download… -
Posted a reply to Feature request, on the site Forums:
I'd recommend having the text duplicated. Once, inside the paragraph text, and then a second… -
Posted a reply to Text color for all pullquotes, on the site Forums:
Yes, that’s possible. Just insert this block of code into your CSS, changing the color… -
Posted a reply to Hex code not working ? Line on side not working ?, on the site Forums:
Ok -
Posted a reply to Text color for all pullquotes, on the site Forums:
Change the default border-color attribute by entering a valid HEX color, including the pound (… -
Posted a reply to Text color for all pullquotes, on the site Forums:
Do you mean the text color, or the color of the "bar" on the side… -
Posted a reply to Hex code not working ? Line on side not working ?, on the site Forums:
I see the pullquote and the line to the left of the quote is visible… -
Posted a reply to Hex code not working ? Line on side not working ?, on the site Forums:
If you can enable a pullquote on a page on your site and post the… -
Committed [1767395] to Plugins SVN:
CSS fix -
Committed [1767392] to Plugins SVN:
CSS fix -
Committed [1767390] to Plugins SVN:
Updated README -
Committed [1767389] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed README -
Committed [1767388] to Plugins SVN:
Added 'bordertop' shortcode attribute. Updated to version 1.7.4 for ... -
Posted a reply to Twentyfifteen media queries, on the site Forums:
As far as I know, there are no issues. However all themes have different styles… -
Posted a reply to Two hyphens before Cited Author, on the site Forums:
I just now got around to seeing your updates. Glad you figured it out! -
Posted a reply to Two hyphens before Cited Author, on the site Forums:
If you post a link to the page, I can take a look. -
Posted a reply to Problems with pull quotes on mobile, on the site Forums:
I haven't seen any issues on mobile. If you can post a link to a… -
Posted a reply to Perfect Pullquotes reduces text size of following paragraph, on the site Forums:
It looks like you have conflicting CSS font-size attributes in your theme (or something outside… -
Posted a reply to Perfect Pullquotes reduces text size of following paragraph, on the site Forums:
If you can post a link to a page on your site as an example… -
Committed [1726265] to Plugins SVN:
Updating WordPress tested version. -
Posted a reply to CITE – not connected with the name, on the site Forums:
Add this rule to your theme's CSS: .perfect-pullquote blockquote footer cite { display: inline-block; }… -
Posted a reply to CITE – not connected with the name, on the site Forums:
This is due to CSS rules bleeding over from your Wordpress theme. If you post… -
Committed [1663504] to Plugins SVN:
Updated supported Wordpress version -
Posted a reply to can I adjust css to keep font same as my theme, on the site Forums:
It looks like this line in your theme is causing the text-transform on the blockquote:…