@acub on
- Member Since: January 23rd, 2009
- Location: Bucharest
- Website:
- Job Title: Helmsman
- Employer:
Contribution History
acub’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Plugin will not install, on the site Forums:
Since you haven't provided additional info to reproduce this and the issue is not present… -
Posted a reply to Plugin will not install, on the site Forums:
There are very many reasons for which a plugin might not get installed in a… -
Created a topic, It actually works., on the site Forums:
The 1 star rating the plugin has is from a user upset … -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
DUR does not disable notifications about new users being created. However, it does block the… -
Posted a reply to Can This Create a Transparent Background?, on the site Forums:
This plugin does not modify the uploaded images. It only allows the ability to change… -
Posted a reply to Too Restricted, on the site Forums:
@jdembowski Is it possible to remove or ignore a rating? Looking at this plugin, I… -
Posted a reply to No color background, on the site Forums:
I haven't seen this at the time you posted, adramm. Apparently, I don't get emailed… -
Posted a reply to am sters din public_html/wp-content/cache, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Daca ai fi sters doar din wp-content/cache nu ar fi fost nicio problema. Din pacate,… -
Posted a reply to Diverse probleme WP, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Presupunerea ta pleaca de la premise gresite. Daca folosesti o tema si module (plugin-uri) de… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error dupa actualizare wordpress, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Tema activa sau unul dintre plugin-urile active sunt incompatibile cu versiunea de WP la care… -
Posted a reply to The requested URL /wp-admin/ was not found on this server & 404 error, on the site Forumuri de suport:
404 in admin cand nu esti logat poate fi generat fie printr-un plugin, fie din… -
Posted a reply to Nu se actualizeaza site-ul dupa ce public un articol, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Tot scurt si la obiect: poate fi din multe cauze. Cele mai probabile: Le publici… -
Posted a reply to Nu imi functioneaza siteul. Sa fie de la WordPress?, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Datele de conectare la DB se găsesc în wp-config.php, în directorul root al WordPress. WP… -
Posted a reply to Cum funcționează traducerile online?, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Ok, mulțumesc. Pentru traducerea plugin-ului în sine (nu a readme-ului) am folosit metoda clasică, cu… -
Posted a reply to Alternativa la „jquery lightbox for native galleries”, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Cu placere. Nu uita sa schimbi status-ul in „rezolvat”. -
Posted a reply to Cum putem muta wordpress pe domeniu propriu, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Poti sa-l muti pur si simplu in root. Dar varianta cea mai buna ar fi… -
Posted a reply to Problema incarcare tema, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Regulamentul forumului nu permite adresarea unei intrebari noi in intrebarea altcuiva. Avand insa in vedere… -
Posted a reply to Alternativa la „jquery lightbox for native galleries”, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Am gresit linkul către PS și nu mai pot edita. Este: -
Committed [1570006] to Plugins SVN:
Added Paypal link. -
Committed [1569989] to Plugins SVN:
Typo corrected and improvements @ readme.txt -
Committed [1569916] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tag in plugin header from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 -
Posted a reply to Alternativa la „jquery lightbox for native galleries”, on the site Forumuri de suport:
WP Featherlight pare să fie ceea ce cauți, dacă vrei să meargă fără să modifici… -
Committed [1569904] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt in tags to match the one in trunk -
Committed [1569900] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [1569898] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated. -
Released a new plugin, Disable User Registration
Committed [1569895] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit. -
Created a topic, Cum funcționează traducerile online?, on the site Forumuri de suport:
Îmi poate explica cineva cum funcționează sistemul … -
Committed [1568865] to Plugins SVN:
Tested 4.7 compatibility -
Committed [1374883] to Plugins SVN:
trunk updated to 1.0.2 -
Committed [1374881] to Plugins SVN:
Changed the way textdomain is loaded. -
Committed [1374878] to Plugins SVN:
1.0.2 Added settings link from plugins list and multilingual support. -
Committed [1374876] to Plugins SVN:
Trunk to version 1.0.2 -
Committed [1292141] to Plugins SVN:
Added PHPDoc blocks to all class functions for versioning and IDE ... -
Committed [1292116] to Plugins SVN:
Tested with WP 4.4. All good. -
Committed [1292115] to Plugins SVN:
Tested compatibility with 4.4. All good. -
Committed [1250720] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt and author link update -
Committed [1249862] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt (formatting) -
Committed [1249861] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt in both trunk and 1.0.1 -
Committed [1249859] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [1249852] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt of 1.0.1 -
Committed [1249848] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [1247944] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt in current version (1.0.1) -
Committed [1247943] to Plugins SVN:
upgraded F.A.Q -
Committed [1247933] to Plugins SVN:
moved 1.0.1 in tags and started out 1.0.2 (dev) in trunk -
Committed [1247318] to Plugins SVN:
upgraded icon and banner -
Committed [1247178] to Plugins SVN:
typo in readme.txt -
Committed [1247175] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt | better formatting, better texts -
Committed [1247171] to Plugins SVN:
changed small icon from jpg to png -
Committed [1247168] to Plugins SVN:
added small icon-128x128.jpg