Antonio Blanco Oliva
@ablancodev on
- Member Since: September 19th, 2018
- Location: Madrid, España
- Website:
- Job Title: Software engineer
Contribution History
Antonio Blanco Oliva’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Small bug, on the site Forums:
Thank you so much @pauloc for the feedback !!Working in a new version that includes… -
Translated 1 string on
Suggested 8 strings on
Committed [2655043] to Plugins SVN:
fixed readem with images -
Committed [2654803] to Plugins SVN:
fixed readem with images -
Committed [2654802] to Plugins SVN:
fixed readem with images -
Committed [2654799] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [2654648] to Plugins SVN:
fix assets -
Committed [2654647] to Plugins SVN:
Added assets -
Committed [2654645] to Plugins SVN:
Readme updated -
Committed [2654644] to Plugins SVN:
Readme updated -
Committed [2653674] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2650107] to Plugins SVN:
Initial version -
Committed [2650105] to Plugins SVN:
Initial version -
Posted a reply to No matter how the variable product changes, the price shows 0, on the site Forums:
Hi @bi1012037 , sorry for the delay. Maybe it was a setting problem. Did you… -
Posted a reply to Not working with variable product (default theme), on the site Forums:
Hi @romarinmarin, the plugin is tested with all product types and I don't get this… -
Created a topic, Perfect for restricting access to the entire website, on the site Forums:
Perfect for restricting access to the entire web. I ha…