@55don on
- Member Since: August 6th, 2015
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Don’s badges:- BuddyPress Contributor
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Undefined array key “nodes”, on the site Forums:
Hi Gregory... the following fatal error was thrown today by cerber-common.php on line 367: PHP… -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Undefined array key “nodes”, on the site Forums:
Thank you Gregory... I'll be looking forward to your next release because this isn't the… -
Created a topic, PHP Warning: Undefined array key “nodes”, on the site Forums:
Is there a remedy for the following PHP Warning which … -
Created a topic, WP Cerber column collations, on the site Forums:
Is there a safe way to change the wp_cerber_sets.file_… -
Posted a reply to Upgrading a MySQL server, on the site Forums:
Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.3 appears more complicated (more warnings) and MariaDB 10.3… -
Created a topic, Upgrading a MySQL server, on the site Forums:
Hello and thank you in advance... I need to upgrade… -
Posted a reply to Page in blank after update WP 5.0 and use taxonomies, on the site Forums:
I'm getting a "headers already sent message" with: <?php echo do_shortcode('[searchandfilter fields="search,post_types"]'); ?> placed just… -
Posted a reply to jQuery UI Range Slider, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I'll review the Codex information with respect to Ajax and evaluate some plugins. Don -
Posted a reply to jQuery UI Range Slider, on the site Forums:
You lost me at, "The server side Ajax handler...". I was hoping all I would… -
Created a topic, jQuery UI Range Slider, on the site Forums:
Hello, How does one integrate the jQuery UI Range Sli… -
Posted a reply to Dumb Sexist Bloatware, on the site Forums:
Bloatware? It is 2.2 kilobytes and it exists for instructional (and perhaps nostalgic) purposes. If… -
Posted a reply to Limit the Number of Multisite Registrations, on the site Forums:
Nikolay, The only part of your code that modifies wp-signup.php from my theme's functions.php is… -
Posted a reply to Limit the Number of Multisite Registrations, on the site Forums:
Thank you for the code, nnikolov... and thank you for the quick reply, I was… -
Posted a reply to Limit the Number of Multisite Registrations, on the site Forums:
I see my OP cannot be edited any longer; however, in an effort to clarify… -
Created a topic, Limit the Number of Multisite Registrations, on the site Forums:
I'm in the process of launching a Multisite Network an… -
Posted a reply to Multisite not domain mapping, on the site Forums:
You're welcome. Don't get me started about World politics! :^) Regards, Don -
Posted a reply to Multisite not domain mapping, on the site Forums:
Nick, You're doing fine... is your subsite to which you can map a registered… -
Posted a reply to Multisite not domain mapping, on the site Forums:
Nick, Have you tried adding a subsite yet? With respect to your screen capture, when… -
Posted a reply to Multisite not domain mapping, on the site Forums:
Recent WordPress updates (IIRC, since approx. version 4.5) have rendered domain mapping plugins obsolete. You…