Committed [2252713] to Plugins SVN:
v1.3.0 Release -
Committed [2249084] to Plugins SVN:
v1.2.1 -
Committed [2249081] to Plugins SVN:
v1.2.0 -
Committed [2249077] to Plugins SVN:
v1.2.0 -
Committed [2245332] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.0 -
Committed [2245325] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.0 Release -
Committed [2238823] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Import -
Committed [2220804] to Plugins SVN:
change version string -
Committed [2220801] to Plugins SVN:
버전 표시 문제 해결 -
Committed [2220792] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.2 -
Committed [2218523] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.3 Released -
Committed [2216695] to Plugins SVN:
Initail Import -
Wrote a new post, Hi~, on the site Translate WordPress:
I would like to become PTE for AJ Review Plugin. https://wordpress.org/plugins/aj-review/ o #ko_kr #editor-requests Thanks -
Committed [2212745] to Plugins SVN:
change version -
Committed [2212743] to Plugins SVN:
update a file -
Committed [2212739] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2212734] to Plugins SVN:
add some files -
Committed [2212732] to Plugins SVN:
v0.9.2 released -
Wrote a new post, Hi~ polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
I would like to become a PTE for the Korean translation of the AJ Review… -
Committed [2210478] to Plugins SVN:
Release v0.9.1