1CRM Systems Corp.
@1crmcorp on WordPress.org, @1CRM Corp. on Slack
- Member Since: April 1st, 2014
- Location: Canada
- Website: 1crm.com
- Employer: 1CRM Corp.
Committed [2419510] to Plugins SVN:
Enable subscriptions -
Committed [2320991] to Plugins SVN:
release 1.0.3 -
Committed [2311254] to Plugins SVN:
Add icon -
Committed [2310227] to Plugins SVN:
Update version -
Committed [2310119] to Plugins SVN:
add German translation -
Committed [2308812] to Plugins SVN:
Update compatibility -
Committed [2308541] to Plugins SVN:
API credentials fixes -
Wrote a new post, Hi Polyglots!, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hopefully we're correct posting here. Our partners have made a German translation of our plugin… -
Committed [2251498] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of plugin