BadgeOS Community Add-on
bbPress Pencil Unread
bbPress Topic Sections
BP Group Reviews
Buddy-bbPress Support Topic
BuddyPress Album
BuddyPress Community Stats
BuddyPress Courseware
BuddyPress Docs
Buddypress Group CSS
BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
BuddyPress Groupblog
BuddyPress Groups Extras
BuddyPress Instaban
BuddyPress Moderation
BuddyPress Private Community
BuddyPress Wiki Component
Content Aware Sidebars - Fastest Widget Area Plugin
CubePoints Buddypress Integration
Events Handler - The Events Plugin
Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!
GD bbPress Tools
Invite Anyone
Mass Messaging in BuddyPress
myCred - Loyalty Points and Rewards plugin for WordPress and WooCommerce - Give Points, Ranks, Badges, Cashback, WooCommerce rewards, and WooCommerce credits for Gamification
Personal Welcome
Private BuddyPress
Rating-Widget: Star Review System
Registration Options for BuddyPress
rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress