Nicholas Zein
@zeinnicholas on, @Nicholas Zein on Slack
- Member Since: September 28th, 2016
Contribution History
Nicholas Zein’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Suggested 36 strings on
Created a topic, Uso da função wc_get_log_file_name foi descontinuado em WC 8.6.0, on the site Forums:
Oi Claudio, só passando para reforçar meu comentári… -
Translated 16 strings on
Suggested 36 strings on
Posted a reply to Falta Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
A versão 2.10.1 adiciona compatibilidade a HPOS! Obrigado pessoal! -
Created a topic, Great solution for modern checkouts, and awesome support, on the site Forums:
Every time I reach out to solve a problem, there is al… -
Posted a reply to Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
Parabéns pela equipe @bycoders pela atualização! 💪 -
Posted a reply to Falta Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
Obrigado pela atualização @bycoders! -
Posted a reply to Falta Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
Olá @bycoders, Espero que consigam fazer a conversão. Pelo que vi no código não me… -
Created a topic, Falta Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
Olá, O serviço de vocês é ótimo, e estamos muito sa… -
Created a topic, Falta Compatibilidade com HPOS, on the site Forums:
Olá, O serviço de vocês é ótimo, e estamos muito sa… -
Posted a reply to Price by Country & Facebook sync issues, on the site Forums:
I would love to know this myself. It seems that instead of using the catalog,… -
Created a topic, Github Abandonado?, on the site Forums:
Olá, Estou com um problema de vazamento de memória po… -
Posted a reply to Errors in DevTools console, on the site Forums:
@mailerlite please, you need to add add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*'; to your server so we can… -
Posted a reply to Guzzle integration causes fatal error, on the site Forums:
The issue still persists with the current version 1.5.5. -
Posted a reply to Fatal Error Bug in version 1.5.4, on the site Forums:
This seems to be the same issue as reported on this other ticket: It… -
Posted a reply to Guzzle integration causes fatal error, on the site Forums:
I can confirm the issue persists and when contacting MailerLite's support they informed me they… -
Wrote a comment on the post Discussion: Companies who run competitive ads against WordPress and apply to sponsor WordCamps, on the site Make WordPress Communities:
I agree with many comments here: The answer is NO, unless we are talking about… -
Posted a reply to PHP Notice: Notice: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
I can confirm this issue too! -
Created a topic, [Feature Request] Include options before and after checkout terms and conditions, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm about to transition my client's website t… -
Created ticket #51617 on Core Trac:
function _admin_bar_bump_cb() conflict with admin-bar.css on screens ... -
Posted a reply to Falha na tentativa de envio do POST de mudança de status, on the site Forums:
Também estou com o mesmo problema... -
Posted a reply to Carteira Digital Não Puxa o Número do Endereço, on the site Forums:
@suporteppbr Obrigado pela resposta. O nome que indiquei como "Carteira Digital" foi para diferenciar da… -
Posted a reply to Version 1.0.77 breaks plugin functionality, rolling back to 1.0.76 fixes, on the site Forums:
@pluginswoo latest version, 4.0.1 It doesn't matter the version, the problem is consistent across 3.9.3… -
Posted a reply to Version 1.0.77 breaks plugin functionality, rolling back to 1.0.76 fixes, on the site Forums:
@klothwork Just download version 1.0.76 from the advanced tab, unzip and replace the plugin folder… -
Created a topic, Version 1.0.77 breaks plugin functionality, rolling back to 1.0.76 fixes, on the site Forums:
The latest version (1.0.77) breaks the plugin function… -
Posted a reply to Carteira Digital Não Puxa o Número do Endereço, on the site Forums:
Desculpe @suporteppbr, mas essa informação está equivocada. Fiz o teste e todas as informações foram… -
Created a topic, Carteira Digital Não Puxa o Número do Endereço, on the site Forums:
Olá, quando o cliente preenche o formulário do check… -
Created a topic, Notice: add_submenu_page() was called Incorrectly, on the site Forums:
Your plugin is calling the add_submenu_page() incorrec… -
Posted a reply to Disable CDN by default, on the site Forums:
Yes, that's what I ended up doing. I don't mind really, I am most probably… -
Created a topic, Disable CND by default, on the site Forums:
Hello. I've been experiencing slow loading times in a… -
Created a topic, Awesome, on the site Forums:
Just perfect! -
Created a topic, This plugin will break your website, on the site Forums:
Don't use this plugin on a live site. Don't trust it t… -
Posted a reply to Problemas com Validação do CPF, on the site Forums:
@claudiosanches Legal! Eu vou ver se consigo. Estou estudando implementar esse método. Se tudo der… -
Posted a reply to Problemas com Validação do CPF, on the site Forums:
@claudiosanches Eu entendi o que você quis dizer, e agradeço a explicação. Mas quando me… -
Posted a reply to Problemas com Validação do CPF, on the site Forums:
@claudiosanches Talvez eu não tenha me expressado direito. O que quis dizer é que, por… -
Posted a reply to Problemas com Validação do CPF, on the site Forums:
@claudiosanches Eu acho que o maior problema é que a validação só acontece quando é… -
Created a topic, Ajax notice: Undefined index: person_type (Brazilian Market on WooCommerce), on the site Forums:
Olá, estou recebendo os seguintes avisos ao utilizar… -
Posted a reply to No order mails, on the site Forums:
@catboulin Hello, yes! After it messed up with my site I messaged plugins[at]wordpress[dot]org and asked… -
Posted a reply to No order mails, on the site Forums:
Just FYI: It's better to uninstall this plugin. It's been removed from the repo… -
Created a topic, Simple and fast!, on the site Forums:
=) -
Posted a reply to Premium Carousel – Change Sort Order of Templates, on the site Forums:
Was looking for this. I'm glad you're addressing this problem on the next release! While… -
Posted a reply to Update to the latest version with errors., on the site Forums:
Dude, whats going on? -
Posted a reply to Tabela do frete não aparece na página do carrinho nem na página checkout, on the site Forums:
Eu não sei se o problema é com os Correios. Quando eu habilito o "Debug… -
Posted a reply to Tabela do frete não aparece na página do carrinho nem na página checkout, on the site Forums:
Estou com o mesmo problema... Tudo configurado corretamente por aqui. Definidas as zonas de entrega… -
Posted a reply to CSS class when product is in list, on the site Forums:
Hello there, Yess!! I've been digging too and came up with the same solution. But… -
Posted a reply to CSS class when product is in list, on the site Forums:
Sorry guys, this is not true. This class exists, but only inside the main tag.… -
Posted a reply to CSS class when product is in list, on the site Forums:
Hey guys, thanks for the reply. I was hoping to have a class added to… -
Created a topic, CSS class when product is in list, on the site Forums:
Hello guys is it possible to add a conditional class t… -
Created a topic, A must have plugin, on the site Forums:
This plugin is a swiss knife for any WordPress user or…