Posted a reply to Ye/ Mo and We field localized, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry ,Images url have been updated images url 1 images url 2 -
Posted a reply to Ye/ Mo and We field localized, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for the reply -
Created a topic, Ye/ Mo and We field localized, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
After enabling paid-memberships-pro, there is a Ye/ Mo… -
Created a topic, Suggest, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Suggest: 1. Add pagination to the course list 2./user-… -
Posted a reply to Please remove that affiliate Banner, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
卸载,参考以下文章 https://www.wpdaxue.com/how-to-disable-automatically-generated-images-of-wordpress.html -
Created a topic, 越更新越恶心, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
真的是太恶心了,后台BANNER广告不时弹出,且无法关闭,果断卸载,关于禁用多余缩略图可参考以下的文章 ht… -
Created a topic, [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] 最恶心的LMS插件, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
learnpress真的是恶心,别人家的LMS的基础免费功能,到了learnpress竟分拆成N个插件,所谓… -
Created a topic, 越做越恶心了,来个中文第一个差评吧, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
一个星都有点多了,相信国内用户用这个插件,大都一是头像上传,二是禁用Gravatar,前几天后台莫免其妙的多… -
Created a topic, 腾讯发现现播放不了哦, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
经测试腾讯发现无法播放,优酷无问题 -
Created a topic, 搬家后创建新群组和管理群组页面空白, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
因换了空间,当换空间后再次创建新群组时发现只有 1. 详情 2. 设置 3. 图像…