Created a topic, The scripts and css delayed by the theme are not minified, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The theme has a script that delays the loading of some… -
Posted a reply to Estoy intentando cambiar la meta viewport _customizer_mobile_viewport_meta, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @almendron, Yo me refiero a esta función: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/_customizer_mobile_viewport_meta/ ¿Es para cambiar el meta viewport… -
Created a topic, I’m trying to change meta viewport with _customizer_mobile_viewport_meta, on the site Foros de soporte:
I have created the following function to change the vi… -
Posted a reply to data-src= changes to data-= when I activate include images in CDN URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Agree @usabe and thanks for responding. I imagine it will be a general error. Anyway,… -
Posted a reply to data-src= changes to data-= when I activate include images in CDN URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I see what happens in all the images that have that structure. The web… -
Created a topic, data-src= changes to data-= when I activate include images in CDN URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I am having trouble with the data-src attribute. It ha… -
Posted a reply to Problem with the images in the ESI widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks a lot!!! Yes now!!! When he told me that, I have gotten into KeyCDN… -
Posted a reply to Problem with the images in the ESI widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes I use CDN, so it does not work for me, but thanks for trying,… -
Posted a reply to Problem with the images in the ESI widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
And there is no snippet that can solve this, for example, if the header accepts… -
Created a topic, Problem with the images in the ESI widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have activated the option in Litespeed Cache so that… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg styles are loaded on frontend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Greetings Paul and sorry for the late reply. Everything seems to be perfect! I have… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg styles are loaded on frontend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I was referring to if there is any way that the plugin only loads in… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg styles are loaded on frontend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Okay Paul, Thank you. One last question, to load the plugin only on the page… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg styles are loaded on frontend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
When I deactivate the plugin those styles disappear, I have tried deactivating other plugins and… -
Created a topic, Gutenberg styles are loaded on frontend, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
hello, I think there is a bug, with the plugin activat… -
Created a topic, Convert HTML Script to Shortcode, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I want to convert this code into a shortcode, I have s… -
Posted a reply to Console error Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).live is not a function, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ok, no problem, I'll do it with css then, thanks :-) -
Posted a reply to Console error Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).live is not a function, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@pbearne Everything perfect, thanks to you. A question, what is the term for rounding the… -
Created a topic, Console error Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).live is not a function, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).live is not a function… -
Created a topic, Speed, support, and many useful options, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The truth is that it is a plugin that works very well,… -
Posted a reply to I have deactivated plugins, reset and there is still FOUC, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@qtwrk @serpentdriver It seems that the problem is not LiteSpeed Cache, nor wordpress, not even… -
Posted a reply to I have deactivated plugins, reset and there is still FOUC, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@qtwrk I get the following error when sending the report: So I sent a ticket… -
Posted a reply to I have deactivated plugins, reset and there is still FOUC, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@serpentdriver Hello, Yes I use CDN on the web server, but not on the local… -
Posted a reply to I have deactivated plugins, reset and there is still FOUC, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Also say that before writing in this support forum I have done everything possible, disable… -
Created a topic, I have deactivated plugins, reset and there is still FOUC, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yesterday I was optimizing my website minimizing the c… -
Posted a reply to The plugin is easy and fast, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have given you a better review because I want to give the plugin more… -
Created a topic, Bad support, it’s my experience, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Why do I put 1 star? These are my reasons. The plugin … -
Posted a reply to Divi + Translatepress : Dynamic String Issue, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I have also had problems with the buttons to change color in the secondary… -
Created a topic, Payment status is still pending…, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I bought a license but the payment status is still pen…