

Hello! My name is Francisco López, Xiskiu for friends. I explain some things about me (only the good ones).
Passionate about new technologies, sports and especially my family.
I am a technical engineer in management informatics, a WordPress implementer and a technological Sherpa. I work at the Red Cross as an information systems administrator providing computer support and for a few years now I have been stung by the entrepreneurial virus.
I am told that I am positive and that I convey confidence and security.

WordPress Origin Story

A few years ago, I did some testing with WordPress just to try and experiment. I like technology and I always research new tools as a hobby. It wasn’t until 2018 that I decided to give it a professional use and use WordPress in my projects as a freelance web developer. From that year I also discovered the incredible WordPress community and participated in the nearby Meetups and WordCamps.

  • Member Since: October 27th, 2020
  • Location: Tordera
  • Website:
  • GitHub: Xiskiu
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Un plugin súper util, on the site Forums:
    Un plugin super útil que funciona muy bien. Hace muy f…

  • Created a topic, Sencillamente perfecto, on the site Forums:
    Un plugin perfecto para incluir en cualquier web en Wo…