@xguiboy on
- Member Since: July 5th, 2017
- Location: Brazil
- Website:
Contribution History
gspsites’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Conexão API Rest, on the site Forums:
estou tentando conectar a loja a um sistema de emissão… -
Created a topic, incompatibilidade com novo carrinho do woocommerce, on the site Forums:
bom dia, ao adicionar o novo layout de carrinho do woo… -
Created a topic, Critical error with woocommerce monetization, on the site Forums:
I'm having a problem with the plugin when I activate t… -
Posted a reply to internal linking, on the site Forums:
Hi @tigroumeow, Nice, create internal links by hand is really time consumin, so i'm hoping… -
Created a topic, internal linking, on the site Forums:
Hi, can i use this plugin to ask to analyze all my blo… -
Posted a reply to bug ao ativar pessoa fisica + juridica, on the site Forums:
@claudiosanches deixa eu te enviar o print do erro -
Created a topic, aprovação automática, on the site Forums:
estou tendo um problema que desde a última atualização… -
Created a topic, bug ao ativar pessoa fisica + juridica, on the site Forums:
estou com esse problema em dois sites … -
Created a topic, plugin não está somando o frete no total, on the site Forums:
a opção de frete não está sendo somada no total do ped… -
Created a topic, redirect product to course tutor lms, on the site Forums:
Hello, I would like to know if there is a code to auto… -
Posted a reply to buy button shows login modal, even it is deactivated, on the site Forums:
@munayam thanks a lot, i dont know how it turn off, because it was working,… -
Created a topic, buy button shows login modal, even it is deactivated, on the site Forums:
Hello, I’m selling Tutor LMS courses with WooCommerce.… -
Created a topic, “what i will learn” on mobile page, on the site Forums:
Hello, on the course page, the list of "advantages" of… -
Created a topic, buy button shows login modal, even it is deactivated, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm selling Tutor LMS courses with WooCommerce.… -
Created a topic, redirect woocommerce to tutor, on the site Forums:
Hello, I would like to know if there is a code to auto… -
Posted a reply to youtube player size issue, on the site Forums:
thanks, i've deactivated the lazy load option and now it's perfect, but since it's a… -
Created a topic, youtube player size issue, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm having an issue with the plugin. The YouTub… -
Posted a reply to Incompatibility with Astra theme, on the site Forums:
sure, sorry just click in "assinar" -
Created a topic, Incompatibility with Astra theme, on the site Forums:
Hello! I'm using a plugin to edit the checkout fields … -
Posted a reply to about couse on couse page, on the site Forums:
Hi, in there a way to change from where the plugin get the information, from… -
Created a topic, about couse on couse page, on the site Forums:
I'm editing the course page, but when a put the course… -
Created a topic, Blank Page course page, on the site Forums:
I have a issue in my website. when the "Enable Tutor L… -
Created a topic, desconto do plugin, on the site Forums:
Olá, hoje estou usando a opção de desconto do pedido d… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode, on the site Forums:
BINGO!! now its working like a charm, here is the complete code to create a… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode, on the site Forums:
i two want it, if you can help us would be great -
Created a topic, Shortcode to display “Enrolled Courses”, on the site Forums:
Hi there! I'm trying to use the code do display the… -
Created a topic, New tab on Tutor Dashboard, on the site Forums:
Hi, I want do add a new tab with content in the Tutor … -
Posted a reply to enrolled courses, on the site Forums:
this is the code i've puted in the function.php /*remove the tabs i dont want*/… -
Posted a reply to enrolled courses, on the site Forums:
hi, thanks, i read that, but i can add a link to the menu, but… -
Posted a reply to enrolled courses, on the site Forums:
uma alternativa interessante seria colocar a aba de downloads do wordpress dentro do painel do… -
Created a topic, enrolled courses, on the site Forums:
i've tried the shortcode in this topioc (https://wordp… -
Posted a reply to bug, on the site Forums:
não estou tendo muita sorte, olha o erro agora -
Posted a reply to bug, on the site Forums:
bom dia, fiz a atualização e o teste, mas mesmo preenchido no formulário ele continua… -
Posted a reply to bug, on the site Forums:
eu utilizo o Brazilian Market on WooCommerce que é o que todo mundo precisa usar,… -
Posted a reply to bug, on the site Forums:
atualizei, configurei e deu tudo certo. Só um detalhe, o cliente precisa digitar o cpf… -
Posted a reply to Exibição da entrega no carrinho, on the site Forums:
eu até tentei o seguinte código, mas deu erro add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_method_full_label', 'custom_shipping_method_label', 10, 2 );… -
Created a topic, Exibição da entrega no carrinho, on the site Forums:
Gostaria de saber se existe alguma função para mudar c… -
Created a topic, bug, on the site Forums:
o plugin a partir da versão 2 não deixa o usuário digi… -
Created a topic, Adicionar CNPJ no plugin User Registration WooCommerce (WPEverest), on the site Forums:
boa tarde, gostaria de saber se tem a possibilidade de… -
Created a topic, walletconnect, on the site Forums:
hi, witch shortcore should i use to open the walletcon… -
Created a topic, Access to courses, on the site Forums:
I want to know is it possible to grant access to membe… -
Posted a reply to fatal error, on the site Forums:
how do i do that? ive activated the debug and debug log, but nothing happens,… -
Posted a reply to fatal error, on the site Forums:
i dont know if it is related to your plugin, but now i cant access… -
Posted a reply to fatal error, on the site Forums:
it worked, thanks -
Created a topic, fatal error, on the site Forums:
i've got a fatal error wen updating to the 4.5.0, i do… -
Created a topic, Erro critico, on the site Forums:
desde agora de manhã, toda a vez que eu ativo o plugin… -
Created a topic, [Checkout Mestres WP] Método de entrega, on the site Forums:
Eu relamente gostei deste plugin e gostaria de utiliza… -
Created a topic, [WaterMark PDF for WooCommerce - Stamp PDFs with Customer Data] customer can remove the whatermark, on the site Forums:
one problem i find in the whatermark is that if my cli… -
Created a topic, link on the pdf, on the site Forums:
when the pdf has a link on it and the customer downloa… -
Created a topic, [Autocomplete WooCommerce Orders] its not working, on the site Forums:
the plugin isnt working for all payment method, like i…