

Marketing guy in Louisville, KY USA. Guitar, dogs, a daughter, cars, woodworking, outdoors, life…the usual. I’ve been tinkering with WordPress since version 2.7 back in 2008 so I’ve seen some stuff, man.


Digital marketing strategy, all design, front-end development, guitar, dogs, fun, woodworking, solving problems, cars, airplanes, cooking, boating, NCAA football, historic homes, Grateful Dead, cryptocurrency.

WordPress Origin Story

I wanted to put a website up in 2008 to house my marketing work while in Grad school, and WordPress was what everyone recommended. I maintained a blog in pretty sad shape until graduating with my MBA in 2010 and needed to spruce it up for my resume and centralized HQ. So I began to learn web design, WordPress, coding, etc… I integrated WordPress into my marketing business repertoire and stay on top of its development but away from its cult. I’ve been working with WordPress since version 2.7.

  • Member Since: October 27th, 2012
  • Location: Louisville
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Marketing Juggernaut
  • Employer: web design POP, Ltd., Co.
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Timeline limited to 10 announcements, Icons Glitch, on the site Forums:
    The timeline only shows 10 events. Is there a setting …

  • Posted a reply to Hide Date Published, on the site Forums:
    Your support for your plugin is impressive. Thanks for your help!

  • Created a topic, Hide Date Published, on the site Forums:
    Hi - I've asked this question before, and the solution…

  • Created a topic, Great solution, on the site Forums:
    We have a firewall at work that makes FTPing impossibl…

  • Posted a reply to Keyword & Location Search are links to WP Adverts website, on the site Forums:
    You are amazing! Thank you a million times over for the quick, awesome help!!!

  • Created a topic, Keyword & Location Search are links to WP Adverts website, on the site Forums:
    Whenever someone tries to do a "keyword" or "location"…

  • Created a topic, How to remove published time stamp, on the site Forums:
    Hi- How can I remove the time stamp by the published m…

  • Posted a reply to Someone logged into my website?, on the site Forums:
    You can set your timezone under Settings->General. In your original comment you mentioned both Nashville…

  • Created a topic, One of the 1st plugins I install usually, on the site Forums:
    I've used this plugin for 8 years or so I guess, and i…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Default Admin Color Scheme Update, on the site Make WordPress Design:
    Nice work! <3

  • Created ticket #910 on Meta Trac:
    Adding a way to "favorite" themes
