@twisted1919 on
- Member Since: September 15th, 2011
Contribution History
twisted1919’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to AIOWPS\\Firewall\\Config\\init_file, on the site Forums:
I just checked and the settings.php file was created in the right place, and it… -
Posted a reply to AIOWPS\\Firewall\\Config\\init_file, on the site Forums:
yes it might be the issue due to security issue if it can not write… -
Created a topic, AIOWPS\\Firewall\\Config\\init_file, on the site Forums:
Hello,We got a few alerts from newrelic where this par… -
Posted a reply to Another Critical Error, on the site Forums:
@raldea89 - Thanks, that was the case, the the_title filter was called wrongly from the… -
Created a topic, Another Critical Error, on the site Forums:
Hello, Here's the error message we get after installi… -
Created a topic, Does WP ignore URI segments of parent categories?, on the site Forums:
Hello, From what I see, if we have a URL like: https:… -
Committed [1990591] to Plugins SVN:
Remove .gitmodules -
Committed [1990590] to Plugins SVN:
Added vendor and composer -
Committed [1990586] to Plugins SVN:
remove unwanted folder -
Created ticket #42761 on Core Trac:
Undefined offset: -1 in wp-includes/post-template.php -
Posted a reply to Plenty jQuery errors, on the site Forums:
Any chance i get the fix to apply it on my site till you release… -
Created a topic, [Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons (Ultimate Sharing)] Plenty jQuery errors, on the site Forums:
Hello, I get plenty of jquery errors because i keep my… -
Posted a reply to Undefined indexes, on the site Forums:
Hi @ampforwp The version is Thanks. -
Created a topic, Undefined indexes, on the site Forums:
Hi guys, Can you please check your code and make sure… -
Created a topic, Warning: A non-numeric value encountered…, on the site Forums:
The issue: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered i… -
Posted a reply to Original source of wc-braintree.min.js, on the site Forums:
That does not make any sense... I requested the js file which you include in… -
Posted a reply to Original source of wc-braintree.min.js, on the site Forums:
Why is that, isn't this open-source after all? What's up with this attitude ? -
Created a topic, Original source of wc-braintree.min.js, on the site Forums:
Hi, Where can we get the original source (even if it'… -
Posted a reply to Can you add new filter hook?, on the site Forums:
Hi, Any news about this? How can we contribute to this plugin ? Thanks. -
Posted a reply to How do you get the field values at checkout?, on the site Forums:
@shellbeezy - yeah, i found later that i can do it via some filters, only… -
Posted a reply to Can you add new filter hook?, on the site Forums:
@shellbeezy - I don't think so, at least, the only reference to that hook is… -
Created a topic, Can you add new filter hook?, on the site Forums:
Hi guys, So digging around i found out that i need to… -
Created a topic, How do you get the field values at checkout?, on the site Forums:
Hi, At checkout, i need to see if the card number and… -
Committed [804624] to Plugins SVN:
added nonce check and corrected a bug that can cause a fatal error in the ... -
Committed [803894] to Plugins SVN:
Adding the files -
Created ticket #24641 on Core Trac:
Wp Upgrade, Improve populate_options() function
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Active Installs: 100+