
  • Member Since: June 10th, 2015
  • Location: Germany
  • Job Title: Software Development
  • Employer: Freelancer
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  • Created a topic, Schnell, unkompliziert und kompetent…, on the site Forums:
    Mein Problem wurde sehr schnell gelöst... zumindest ha…

  • Posted a reply to Theme Neve – Inkompatibilität mit Germanized, on the site Forums:
    Ahhh... super... das hat mir enorm weiter geholfen. Vielen Dank :-) beste Grüße Jürgen

  • Posted a reply to Theme Neve – Inkompatibilität mit Germanized, on the site Forums:
    das ist noch ein Classic-Theme und nutzt Elementor, wobei ich aber schon mit dem Block-Editor…

  • Created a topic, Theme Neve – Inkompatibilität mit Germanized, on the site Forums:
    Hallo… ich nutze schon seit langem ein kommerziell…

  • Posted a reply to Internal error, on the site Forums:
    Hallo Vendidero... tut mir Leid, ich war mir nicht sicher, da der Titel (Internal Error)…

  • Posted a reply to Internal error, on the site Forums:
    Ich bin seit ein paar Tagen dabei, WC und WCG einzurichten und auszuprobieren. Gestern kam…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect to Localhost after Activating 2FA and Login failures, on the site Forums:
    I logged in with a different IP (dynamically allocated by provider) and therefore its solved.…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect to Localhost after Activating 2FA and Login failures, on the site Forums:
    delete browser cache, cookies and wp cache does not help. Seems that my IP has…

  • Created a topic, Redirect to Localhost after Activating 2FA and Login failures, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I activated the 2FA and tried to login. …

  • Created a topic, Use of __experimentalOnEnter, on the site Forums:
    Hi there... Does anyone have an idea where I can fi…

  • Posted a reply to Block-Support “Color” unable to set Style-Settings, on the site Forums:
    Hello… thank you very much for the tip… but unfortunately it doesn't help here… There…

  • Posted a reply to Block-Support “Color” unable to set Style-Settings, on the site Forums:
    and there is also another Problem... When I define Block-Support for Colors: "supports": { "color":…

  • Posted a reply to Block-Support “Color” unable to set Style-Settings, on the site Forums:
    I have revised the code several times in the meantime and found finally other solutions.…

  • Created a topic, useInnerBlocksProps Hook instead of InnerBlocks Component, on the site Forums:
    I have developed a block that should optionally accept…

  • Posted a reply to ColorPicker and ColorPalettes, on the site Forums:
    By chance I found another - unfortunately undocumented - variant. In the '@wordpress/block-editor' module there…

  • Created a topic, ColorPicker and ColorPalettes, on the site Forums:
    I developed a block that consists of two parts: &lt…

  • Posted a reply to Toolbar, AlignmentToolbar, ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton…, on the site Forums:
    I also know this page, but it doesn't answer my questions. Depending on the block,…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg Development – Need Help, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much… that explains everything… I can't see any logic behind hiding the…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg Development – Need Help, on the site Forums:
    you're right, sorry... I was a little frustrated after two weeks evaluating. Finally I found…

  • Created a topic, Toolbar, AlignmentToolbar, ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton…, on the site Forums:
    How is the block toolbar structured? The logical assum…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg Development – Need Help, on the site Forums:
    Hi there... and thank you very much for the information… I know the block editor…

  • Created a topic, Gutenberg Development – Need Help, on the site Forums:
    I recently started developing my own Gutenberg blocks.…

  • Posted a reply to Block-Support “Color” unable to set Style-Settings, on the site Forums:
    The behavior is also inconsistent: If I choose a color from the palette, corresponding classes…

  • Created a topic, Block-Support “Color” unable to set Style-Settings, on the site Forums:
    I have created a block that should produce a<figure…

  • Posted a reply to Is there already a Block for Definition-Lists???, on the site Forums:
    Hi properlypurple, I was afraid of that… too bad… I'm not a fan of installing…

  • Created a topic, Is there already a Block for Definition-Lists???, on the site Forums:
    Hello... I found lots of Discussions about the need of…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Hallo... Das wurde schon als Bug gemeldet (#58137) worden :-) Vielen Dank für die Mühe...…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Funktioniert das denn bei euch? Wäre echt mal interessant zu erfahren, denn ich bin mir…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Also, daß die Installation kaputt ist, lässt sich auch ausschließen, da ich das Problem auch…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Hallo zusammen, noch was :-) ... mir ist aufgefallen, daß wir hier von unterschiedlichen Dingen…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Das Problem könnte aber tatsächlich auch daran liegen, daß WP nicht fragt ob man zuschneiden…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    OK, aber wenn alle Plugins abgeschaltet sind und das Problem bei scheinbar allen Themes passiert,…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Hallo Hans-Gerd Gerhards, also ich habe auf meinem Staging System das Theme auf Twenty-Twenty-Two gesetzt…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Hallo Bego Mario Garde... es gibt keine Frage, ob ich zuschneiden möchte, also kann ich…

  • Posted a reply to Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    Hi Bego Mario Garde, vielen Dank für den Tip aber das passt leider nicht. Wordpress…

  • Created a topic, Website-Icon wird beim Setzen kopiert und beschnitten, auch wenn unnötig, on the site Support-Foren:
    In der Medienbibliothek gibt es ein Icon „trilogo.png“…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress Email-Configuration (again), on the site Forums:
    I have done additional tests and it doesn't seem to matter how the headers are…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress Email-Configuration (again), on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the tip… but that doesn't really help… it just shows that there are…

  • Created a topic, WordPress Email-Configuration (again), on the site Forums:
    Hello everyone, This is a call for help… It's ab…

  • Posted a reply to PHP-Warning in WP-Cron.php, on the site Forums:
    Hi... seems to be fixed... Plugin updated, Option activated and I no longer get any…

  • Created a topic, PHP-Warning in WP-Cron.php, on the site Forums:
    I installed the plugin today and configured it careful…

  • Posted a reply to IP-Address has to be removed from comments… how does this work with Antispam B, on the site Forums:
    Hi Thorsten, Yes, I'm well aware of that… but it's time-consuming and ultimately just a…

  • Created a topic, Validation of IP-Adresses, on the site Forums:
    Hi there... the Plugin validates the IP-Adresses of…

  • Created a topic, IP-Address has to be removed from comments… how does this work with Antispam B, on the site Forums:
    Hello... since the dsgvo does not allow the permane…

  • Posted a reply to Missing attribute, on the site Forums:
    The behavior and semantics of the two "required" attributes are different. It's not just about…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg Blöcke deaktivieren, on the site Forums:
    ja, das wäre klasse... es würde ja schon helfen, wenn die nicht immer prominent im…

  • Created a topic, Gutenberg Blöcke deaktivieren, on the site Forums:
    Hallo... im Gutenberg-Editor erscheinen in der Defaul…

  • Created a topic, Cookie-Notice ohne Personalisieren Button, on the site Forums:
    Da es auf meiner Site nichts zu konfigurieren gibt, we…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Block-based Widgets Editor in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I will roll-back... seems to be somewhat buggy: jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.3.2:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Block-based Widgets Editor in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    after the update to 5.8 the widgets doesn't work anymore. Custom developed Widgets (derived from…