@travelgrove on
- Member Since: July 15th, 2011
Contribution History
Travelgrove’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1194756] to Plugins SVN:
Hotel search changed to metasearch in trunk -
Committed [1189405] to Plugins SVN:
New window opener implemented: chrome popup handling changed -
Committed [1178835] to Plugins SVN:
Pllugin tested with wordpress 4.2.2 -
Committed [1119656] to Plugins SVN:
jQuery requirements fixed in 1.4.2 -
Committed [1119655] to Plugins SVN:
jQuery requirements fixed -
Committed [1101038] to Plugins SVN:
datepicker update to make it work with jQuery 1.9+ -
Committed [1097936] to Plugins SVN:
Prechecked oneway in shortcode generator fixed. -
Committed [1097917] to Plugins SVN:
Small changes to make plugin compatible with jQuery 1.11.2 -
Committed [1094267] to Plugins SVN:
Hotel searchbox can get as default value other than cities with airport as ... -
Committed [1094243] to Plugins SVN:
trunk change -
Committed [1087935] to Plugins SVN:
commit to trunk -
Committed [1087931] to Plugins SVN:
Just commiting to trunk -
Committed [1071694] to Plugins SVN:
Notice-level errors fixed -
Committed [1044744] to Plugins SVN:
1.4 added -
Committed [1022960] to Plugins SVN:
Merchant refresh now it's hook-able -
Committed [930420] to Plugins SVN:
Releasing version 1.3. -
Committed [850497] to Plugins SVN:
Redirect for invalid searches via placeholder was disabled. -
Committed [850473] to Plugins SVN:
Missing files committed -
Committed [850468] to Plugins SVN:
Popup handling for Chrome and IE was extended - Placeholder windows were ... -
Committed [842480] to Plugins SVN:
Datepicker compatibility issue with older jQuery UI was fixed -
Committed [839104] to Plugins SVN:
design issue on admin interface fixed, datepicker design issue solution ... -
Committed [838974] to Plugins SVN:
Stable version flag updated -
Committed [838973] to Plugins SVN:
z-index issue fixed with calendar on admin interface -
Committed [791271] to Plugins SVN:
- Updated tag -
Committed [766891] to Plugins SVN:
Filter to modify searchbox parameters was added: tg_searchboxes_attributes -
Committed [764107] to Plugins SVN:
Call-time pass-by-reference errors fixed in each file -
Committed [751809] to Plugins SVN:
"Fatal Error: Call-time pass-by-reference" on Windows/PHP (Wamp) fixed. -
Committed [741552] to Plugins SVN:
- subID moved to GET parameter when box loaded through JavaScript -
Committed [725023] to Plugins SVN:
- JS compressed with better compressor -
Committed [725018] to Plugins SVN:
- header issues fixed -
Committed [724002] to Plugins SVN:
- CSS file minimized -
Committed [723575] to Plugins SVN:
- JS/CSS comments added -
Committed [723453] to Plugins SVN:
- JS version number updated -
Committed [723445] to Plugins SVN:
- New window handler was added. - Solution for Chrome's popup blocker was ... -
Committed [719897] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fixed which appeared while error-reporting was on. -
Committed [719876] to Plugins SVN:
- facebook like button on admin section updated -
Committed [713908] to Plugins SVN:
Minor CSS/design bug fixed. -
Committed [712986] to Plugins SVN:
- main plugin file updated (travel-search.php) -
Committed [712983] to Plugins SVN:
- readme.txt updated -
Committed [712981] to Plugins SVN:
- CSS conficts at the searchbox fixed; - socket operational mode added ... -
Committed [702824] to Plugins SVN:
- missing comments added - checkbox for JS load on post edit page moved to ... -
Committed [702367] to Plugins SVN:
JS searchbox inclusion doesn't send any more default parameters in GET to ... -
Committed [702301] to Plugins SVN:
On admin interface if the searchbox is coming from JS, it's not added to ... -
Committed [702286] to Plugins SVN:
JavaScript links were updated (version) -
Committed [702284] to Plugins SVN:
huge bugfixes: - searchbox was not working at all (submit button and tabs) -
Committed [702257] to Plugins SVN:
bugs fixed: - if widget width wasn't the default one, searchbox was never ... -
Committed [702223] to Plugins SVN:
travel-search.php updated (version nr.) -
Committed [702220] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [702208] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.2.3 was added: checkbox to load searchbox with JS -
Committed [677443] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt was updated
Travel Search
Active Installs: 50+