@thiagorangel on
- Member Since: May 2nd, 2023
- Website:
Created a topic, Event manager warnings, on the site Forums:
Why is my event manager showing these warnings? Ple… -
Created a topic, Status pedido não sincroniza automaticamente, on the site Forums:
O status dos pedidos não estão sincronizando automatic… -
Created a topic, The best of all, on the site Forums:
Incredible, this plugin is as perfect as all other WPD… -
Created a topic, Cart data column width, on the site Forums:
Hello! Firstly, I want to congratulate you on the wond… -
Posted a reply to PageView without quality rating, on the site Forums:
Please end the call. I had to change plugins. Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Add to cart event does not fire., on the site Forums:
Unfortunately I had to switch to the PixelYourSite Plugin. Thank you for your attention! -
Created a topic, PageView without quality rating, on the site Forums:
Please, why is the PageView event without a quality ra… -
Created a topic, Add to cart event does not fire., on the site Forums:
The add cart event is not being triggered by the stand… -
Created a topic, Error report Defender Pro, on the site Forums:
I'm getting this error in my anti virus report. [23… -
Posted a reply to Website speed, on the site Forums:
If I delay JavaScript loading in LiteSpeed, will it harm any metrics in GA4 and… -
Created a topic, Website speed, on the site Forums:
Hello! Please, is there any way to lessen the impact o… -
Posted a reply to I lose 100% Google ADS, on the site Forums:
I feel sorry too. I would like to use the official plugin, I feel safer.… -
Posted a reply to An error has occurred. Try again., on the site Forums:
Yes, everything is working perfectly. Thank you very much! -
Posted a reply to An error has occurred. Try again., on the site Forums:
Hello, thanks for the reply. I gave up blocking other countries, for fear of some… -
Posted a reply to I lose 100% Google ADS, on the site Forums:
Agradeço sua atenção, mas tive que seguir a recomendação do próprio suporte do Google. Instalei… -
Posted a reply to Bulk cart add (Robo), on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your attention and support. I'll just keep the user agent… -
Posted a reply to Bulk cart add (Robo), on the site Forums:
Hello! All good? I blocked all countries and allowed only Brazil.It worked, I had no… -
Posted a reply to ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
Friend, good morning! 1st I changed the plugin for sending products to Merchant Center, before… -
Posted a reply to An error has occurred. Try again., on the site Forums:
[RESOLVED] Sorry, but the problem was related to blocking access from other countries. I was… -
Created a topic, An error has occurred. Try again., on the site Forums:
I am unable to connect my JetpackAn error has occurred… -
Posted a reply to Bad event quality, on the site Forums:
Hello, I made a ticket as requested. Thanks! Ticket #6754926 -
Posted a reply to I lose 100% Google ADS, on the site Forums:
Hello,Sorry, but I don't quite understand. Please make sure I sent the status report correctly.… -
Posted a reply to I lose 100% Google ADS, on the site Forums:
Interesting! You make it clear that there are priorities at the forefront, even though customers… -
Created a topic, Bulk cart add (Robo), on the site Forums:
Hello!I am receiving dozens of anonymous abandoned car… -
Posted a reply to ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
Sorry I forgot. Here is the custom HTML code (attachments named "Script" and "HTML") Out… -
Posted a reply to ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
Please access the link below and see in the file named "gla_" if this configuration… -
Created a topic, I lose 100% Google ADS, on the site Forums:
Please I need an urgent solution. All my money is bein… -
Created a topic, ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
All products in the Google Merchant center have the te… -
Posted a reply to Google Chrome console error., on the site Forums:
Hello,You are right, the problem was in my GTM container. Thank you very much! -
Posted a reply to Bad event quality, on the site Forums:
Please any feedback? -
Created a topic, Get {{cart_recovery_link}}, on the site Forums:
How do I get the {{cart_recovery_link}} of a given aba… -
Created a topic, Shortcode MinCart, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to insert a shortcode in the mini cart?… -
Posted a reply to GENERAL QUESTIONS, on the site Forums:
Thanks a lot for the answers. I will rate all plugins with 5 stars. Congratulations! -
Posted a reply to Bad event quality, on the site Forums:
Hello everything is fine? Thanks for the reply. I'm referring to the quality of all… -
Posted a reply to Why does Google’s own support indicate GTM4WP?, on the site Forums:
Hello good afternoon! Thanks for the answer. I received this information from 3 Google Tag… -
Created a topic, ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
I'm using Google List and Ads to upload the products t… -
Posted a reply to CPF field along with name and email, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much! Worked perfectly. I was only in doubt about the type of… -
Created a topic, GENERAL QUESTIONS, on the site Forums:
Can you help me with 3 questions about abandoned cart,… -
Created a topic, Why does Google’s own support indicate GTM4WP?, on the site Forums:
I have an ecommerce page here in Brazil and Google sup… -
Created a topic, The best social proof notification plugin, on the site Forums:
Like all other WPdeveloper products, the NotificationX… -
Created a topic, Google Chrome console error., on the site Forums:
I am getting some errors on specific pages like, produ… -
Created a topic, Bad event quality, on the site Forums:
Please, I really want to use the official Meta plugin,… -
Created a topic, CPF field along with name and email, on the site Forums:
Hello,In Brazil, the document number called "CPF" is m… -
Created a topic, Translate or change text, on the site Forums:
There is some text in the checkout that is not being t… -
Created a topic, File readme.html and wp-config-sample.php, on the site Forums:
Dear, I am getting a report of files File readme.html … -
Posted a reply to Shipping Calculator, on the site Forums:
? -
Posted a reply to ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
Thanks for the answer. I'm sad to see that this problem has been around for… -
Created a topic, ID Merchant Center (gla_), on the site Forums:
Is it possible to remove the text "gla_" from all my p… -
Created a topic, 2 products in the mobile grid, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to leave 2 products (one next to the ot… -
Created a topic, Pagamento PIX não gera Qr Code e nem link, on the site Forums:
Quando os clientes finalizam o pedido e escolhem pagam…